Shen Yun Conveys Traditional Chinese Arts

Tony Moy said, “It was very elegant, everyone was very light on their feet and the show was well put together.”
Shen Yun Conveys Traditional Chinese Arts
Sharon Lee and Tony Moy at Shen Yun Performing Arts in Chicago. Charlie Lu/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Sharon Lee and Tony Moy at Shen Yun Performing Arts in Chicago. (Charlie Lu/The Epoch Times)" title="Sharon Lee and Tony Moy at Shen Yun Performing Arts in Chicago. (Charlie Lu/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1805440"/></a>
Sharon Lee and Tony Moy at Shen Yun Performing Arts in Chicago. (Charlie Lu/The Epoch Times)
CHICAGO—Performing at the Civic Opera House, Shen Yun Performing Arts is bringing the richness and depth of traditional Chinese culture to Chicagoans during its 10-day tour.

Tony Moy, owner of Tecture A Web Development Company in Chicago, said, “It was very elegant, everyone was very light on their feet and the show was well put together.”

The aim of Shen Yun is to capture the pre-modern China’s classical culture through music and dance. The show consists of over 20 different performances including variety of dance performances that present classical Chinese dance: a complete artistic system of its own.

Mr. Moy, a Chinese-American, said he grew up with his grandparents and great grandparents, “So I retained some traditional culture, but some of it is lost and Americanized.”

Attending the show with Mr. Moy, Sharon Lee, a clinical diagnostic representative said she was pleasantly surprise by the Shen Yun performance.” I’m also very Americanized born right here in Chicago so it was nice to see a lot of elements of traditional Chinese culture that we many not necessarily see a lot of here in the U.S.”

“I didn’t know exactly what to expect. I'd actually bought tickets for my parents last year and they said that it was a very worthwhile performance,” said Ms. Lee.

“I think it’s interesting that this is something that you can’t see in China. It makes me wonder what exactly is going on in China right now that we don’t know about and how much is being lost. A lot of people are just trying to connect with just the basic things in life like truth and tolerance. When we see something like this and how there is intolerance it’s a nice reminder that we are very fortunate,” added Ms. Lee.

Reporting by Charlie Lu.

Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company will perform at Chicago’s Civic Opera House through April 24. For more information, visit