Composer Amazed by the Erhu

Shen Yun Performing Arts performed to a full house Saturday afternoon at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion at the Music Center in Los Angeles. The audience responded warmly to the performers.
Composer Amazed by the Erhu
Composer Roger Ward was enthralled with the erhu solo during Shen Yun's performance on Feb. 6. NTDTV
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Composer Roger Ward was enthralled with the erhu solo during Shen Yun's performance on Feb. 6. (NTDTV)" title="Composer Roger Ward was enthralled with the erhu solo during Shen Yun's performance on Feb. 6. (NTDTV)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-99423"/></a>
Composer Roger Ward was enthralled with the erhu solo during Shen Yun's performance on Feb. 6. (NTDTV)
LOS ANGELES—Shen Yun Performing Arts performed to a full house Saturday afternoon at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion at the Music Center in Los Angeles. The audience responded warmly to the performers.

Classical musician and composer Roger Ward was among the audience members. Serving as the composer-in-residence for the California Philharmonic, he composed Symphony No. 1 last July for the California Philharmonic. He has had four pieces premiere in the Walt Disney Concert Hall since it opened.

Shen Yun Performing Arts is a New York-based dance and music company. In addition to classical Chinese dance, Shen Yun includes a live orchestra that combines classical Western and traditional Chinese instruments. It also includes a captivating solo performance by erhu virtuoso Qi Xiaochun.

Regarding the erhu performance, Mr. Ward reflected, “That was my favorite part of the show. Being a musician, you have to go for your favorite thing. It always amazes me that so much sound comes out of that little instrument. A little, teeny box, and the neck of it is very narrow, and it is only two strings. And it’s gorgeous; gorgeous—I loved it.”

Then, speaking generally, Mr. Ward was just happy to see the show. He said, “It’s lovely. I think people all over the world would love it. I’m just so glad I came.”

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Sury Yenamandra and family. (The Epoch Times)" title="Sury Yenamandra and family. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-99424"/></a>
Sury Yenamandra and family. (The Epoch Times)
Another show-goer at the matinee was Sury Yenamandra and his wife, Bhamu. They drove almost 100 miles to see the show.

Mrs. Yenamandra couldn’t wait to see the show again. She said, “I just loved it. I would do it all over again. I don’t mind staying again and watching the next show. It’s that beautiful. I enjoyed it thoroughly.”

Mr. Yenamandra, a physician, said Shen Yun was “Absolutely splendid.”

He added, “The important thing is there was a meaningful message conveyed through this [which is] that there is a greater purpose of life.

“The tenor who sang the words in the end, he really gave the meaning of what life is and how we should embrace higher beings that is God in any form and cross the path to be able to attain peace and tranquility of life.”

Shen Yun has three dance companies and three orchestras. While one company performs 10 shows in Los Angeles, the other Shen Yun companies will be performing in Worcester, Mass., Dallas, Springfield, Ill., St. Louis, and New York.

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