Shen Yun Entertains and Uplifts Adelaide

Mr. Perdl, a barrister and advocate, said, “It is very uplifting.”
Shen Yun Entertains and Uplifts Adelaide
Audience on the opening night at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre Scott Hu/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Audience on the opening night at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre (Scott Hu/The Epoch Times)" title="Audience on the opening night at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre (Scott Hu/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1828964"/></a>
Audience on the opening night at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre (Scott Hu/The Epoch Times)

ADELAIDE, Australia—Shen Yun Performing Arts was close to capacity on opening night at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre, and what they performed uplifted the audience.

Mr. Perdl, a barrister and advocate, said, “It is very uplifting.”

He pointed out the performance Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution was especially good: “I particularly like where you have like this man appears dead, and then there is the divine intervention, and they’re all coming down, and then they make him alive, and the little girl is very happy. It’s a very beautiful thing.”

Certain aspects of the show are new to him, Mr. Perdl says, though he in frequent contact with Chinese from many nations through his work.

“But I love the costumes. They’re absolutely fabulous, and I like the idea of trying to introduce people just a little bit into Chinese ‘Ni hao.’ [The Chinese term for ‘hello’ taught during the show] I thought it was beautiful. So, I’m very very thrilled about this particular matter.

“I was actually in the city market and they were advertising this. I didn’t even know the show was on, so I bought the ticket immediately on the spot,” he said.

Also at the evening show was Ms. Yates from a local television station.

“Very entertaining, special dancers,” she commented.

“My favorite was the Tibetan one in the mountains [The Dance of the Snow Capped Mountain]. I loved the flowers, the ones that only flower every three thousand years. [The Udumbara’s Bloom],” she added.

Ms. Blenios, a beauty therapist, had felt a wave of relaxation while at the show and said, “It was just so flowing and really relaxing. You don’t get that feeling in society, where it’s rush, rush, rush, do do do. And you come here and it is just so peaceful. They were all really, really good!”

NTDTV contributed to this report.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour.
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