Secrets of Spain: The Delightful Delta de L'Ebre

Secrets of Spain: The Delightful Delta de L'Ebre
(A Luxury Travel Blog)

Mother Nature has blessed the world with numerous beautiful places. Only she can choose the most perfect colours and ingredients to design environments that can affect us deeply. In my early days of living in Spain, I discovered the Delta de l'Ebre, which I fell in love with immediately. This is a place for anyone who appreciates beauty, nature and peace.

A Magical Landscape

Located in Southern Catalonia, the Delta de l'Ebre has an enchanting, magical landscape that seems to go on forever. This natural park is the largest wetland in Catalonia. Its magical landscape includes sand dunes and unspoilt beaches, rivers, lagoons, marshes, salt pans and paddy fields.

Calling All Foodies

The paddy fields of the Delta de l'Ebre have been producing rice ever since 1860. You can choose from 14 different varieties, which make up the 45 million kg of rice, that are produced each year in the Delta. 98% of Catalonia’s rice is produced here, and the Delta’s rice production makes up 20% of total Spanish rice production.

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Copyright © 2015 by A Luxury Travel Blog. This article was written by  Jackie de Burca and originally published on

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