Research Scientist: ‘It was just breathtaking’

A research scientist was among the audience at the Shen Yun show in St. Louis this weekend who highly praised the performances.
Research Scientist: ‘It was just breathtaking’
Mr. and Mrs. Willianson at the Shen Yun Performing Arrts show in St. Louis on Feb. 13, 2010. The Epoch Times
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Mr. and Mrs. Willianson at the Shen Yun Performing Arrts show in St. Louis on Feb. 13, 2010. (The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. and Mrs. Willianson at the Shen Yun Performing Arrts show in St. Louis on Feb. 13, 2010. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-99914"/></a>
Mr. and Mrs. Willianson at the Shen Yun Performing Arrts show in St. Louis on Feb. 13, 2010. (The Epoch Times)
ST. LOUIS—Mr. Williamson, a chiropractic student who lives in Bowen, Missouri, came to St. Louis to see Shen Yun Performing Arts.

“It was wonderful. Very, very colorful. We liked all the colors. My favorite piece was the Tibetan dance. That was really breathtaking,” said Mr. Williamson.

According to Mr. Williamson, while watching the show, he felt very uplifted, and by the time he left the theater he was really feeling good. Mr. Williamson also feels Shen Yun is worth recommending to others.

“I think it’s a good way to experience some culture and really just see some of the beauty of the arts around us,” said Mr. Williamson.

Mrs. Williamson, a research scientist in microbiology, said she enjoyed all the colors and the scenes on the stage.

“When the curtains first opened it was just breathtaking. The bright colors—and I just really loved all the talk about spirituality and the culture that China has had for thousands of years,” said Mrs. Williamson. There were spiritual aspects to the show that really touched her.

‘The music was extraordinary’

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Ms. Helena (L) and Ms. Hill at the Shen Yun Performing Arts show in St. Louis on Feb. 13, 2010 (The Epoch Times)" title="Ms. Helena (L) and Ms. Hill at the Shen Yun Performing Arts show in St. Louis on Feb. 13, 2010 (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-99915"/></a>
Ms. Helena (L) and Ms. Hill at the Shen Yun Performing Arts show in St. Louis on Feb. 13, 2010 (The Epoch Times)
Also in the audience was Ms. Hill, a manager in the maintenance department of a large telecommunications company. She was nearly speechless after seeing the show.

“It was beautiful, it is amazing, I can’t explain it,” Ms. Hill said.

Ms. Helena, a high school student, said she really enjoyed the show as well.

“The colors throughout the whole performance were really bright, and I really enjoyed all the moves. They were really executed well, and so I really liked it,” she said, adding that it was difficult to choose a favorite part.

“I liked it all, just all of it was great. The music was extraordinary—the orchestra, it was so cool to hear each instrument and it gave the performance life,” said Ms. Helena.

For Ms. Hill, watching the dancing was the highlight of the show.

“I love to watch the movements and the energy. They’ve got so much energy; it’s just great to see it come across in front of you,” she said.

With Reporting by Valerie Avore and Gary Du.

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