Recipe for Drinks from Around the World: Bicerin and Ponce, Italy

Recipes for Bicerin and Ponce.
Recipe for Drinks from Around the World: Bicerin and Ponce, Italy
Bicerin. (Leonid Botnarenco/NTD)


Bicerin, which comes from Turin, Italy, was recognized as the Piedmont region’s traditional regional drink in 2001. Its name, which means “little drinking glass” in the Piedmont dialect, comes from the bar it was served in for the first time in 1763, Caffè Bicerin. The bar is still here today. 

Prepare a hot chocolate with 2 teaspoons of sugar; add a shot of espresso, then pour some hot cream over it.
Ideally, serve with bagnati cookies from Piedmont.
Serve in a large, rounded glass.

Ponce Alla Livornese

Ponce alla Livornese, from the city of Livorno in Tuscany, gets its name from the English “punch,” from around 1600. At that time, an English community was present in the port city of Livorno. To this day, sailors still drink ponce early in the morning before setting off to work.

Put 1 teaspoon of sugar in a small glass, then add lemon zest. 
Add rum until the glass is half full. 
Then, use the steam nozzle of the espresso machine to bring it to boiling point.
Add a shot of espresso and drink immediately.

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