Rabbits Are Social Animals, so Adopt More Than One

Rabbits Are Social Animals, so Adopt More Than One
Rabbits are social creatures that need the companionship of their own species. (Anne Richard/Shutterstock)
Q: I’ve fallen in love with my friend’s rabbit, and I want one of my own. I wonder if the rabbit is lonely when my friend is at work and whether I should acquire two instead of one. Also, do shelters have rabbits, or should I go to the pet store?
A: Rabbits are the third most commonly surrendered species at animal shelters. Adopting a rabbit from an animal shelter or rescue organization provides many benefits.

The rabbit will probably come to you already sterilized or with a voucher for low-cost spay/neuter surgery. Sterilized rabbits live longer and have fewer medical and behavioral problems than unsterilized bunnies.

Unlike pet store rabbits shipped from breeding mills, rescued rabbits are already socialized and trained to use a litter box. Shelter and rescue staff members know the temperaments of their rabbits and will help you choose the right one for your personality and lifestyle. They also provide support throughout each adopted rabbit’s life.

In addition, adopting a bunny is more rewarding than purchasing one at a pet store because you save a life and free up space for another homeless rabbit.

Rabbits are social creatures that need the companionship of their own species, so please consider adopting a bunny and a buddy. If the shelter or rescue has a pair that’s already bonded, choose them. If not, introduce your rabbits with the help of someone who knows rabbits well, and consult the House Rabbit Society at Rabbit.org.

Your rabbits will never be bored with each other's company, so they won't get into the trouble a single rabbit can. (amenic181/Shutterstock)
Your rabbits will never be bored with each other's company, so they won't get into the trouble a single rabbit can. (amenic181/Shutterstock)

A bonded pair will eat and play together, groom each other, and sleep together. Watching their interactions will bring you more joy than living with a solitary rabbit.

Your rabbits will never be bored with each other’s company, so they won’t get into the trouble a single rabbit can. When you’re at work, you'll know your bunnies aren’t lonely.

Visit your local animal shelter, or find a rabbit rescue organization at Rabbit.org/independent-rabbit-rescue.

Q: My Weimaraner Axel had a routine blood test that was positive for Lyme disease. He has never shown any clinical signs, his Lyme vaccination is always current, and he uses a tick preventive throughout the year. Given all this, how much can I trust the test result? His veterinarian wants to treat him with an antibiotic. Can this hurt him if he doesn’t really need it?
A: The answer to your quandary is unclear, so let me start with what we do know.

Lyme disease, caused by Borrelia bacteria transmitted through a tick bite, is characterized by a sudden onset of lameness, lethargy, appetite loss, and fever. The bacteria damage the joints and kidneys, causing the kidneys to excrete protein in the urine.

Urine should not contain protein, so most veterinarians who get a positive Lyme test result in the absence of clinical signs check the urine for protein.

If a dog has no clinical signs of Lyme disease and no protein in the urine, most veterinarians would not prescribe an antibiotic. However, this position is controversial.

To decide how best to diagnose, treat and prevent Lyme disease in pets, board-certified veterinarians with special expertise in Lyme disease met to review the research data. Their consensus statement is published at OnlineLibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jvim.15085.

If you scroll down to the topic titled “Should Treatments Be Offered For Nonclinical, Nonproteinuric Seropositive Dogs?” you'll see that most of the experts did not recommend antibiotic treatment for dogs like Axel.

In part, this is because antibiotics aren’t harmless. They can cause stomach upset, vomiting, and/or diarrhea in some dogs. Using an antibiotic when it’s not needed can also promote bacterial resistance, so the antibiotic might not be effective in the future when it’s required.

I recommend you ask your veterinarian to test Axel’s urine for protein, which will give you one more piece of information on which to base a treatment decision.

Lee Pickett, VMD, practices companion animal medicine in North Carolina. Contact her at AskTheVet.pet. Copyright 2024 Lee Pickett, VMD. Distributed by Creators.com
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