Newly Sworn-In Cop Bows to His Single Mother in a Loving Display of Gratitude

Newly Sworn-In Cop Bows to His Single Mother in a Loving Display of Gratitude
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

A poignant photo of an Indian man bowing  on his hands and knees with his head touching his elderly mother’s feet has struck a chord in the hearts of many people. The touching photo evokes a sense of humility and gratitude for the sacrifices that mothers make for their children over the years.

The virtue of filial love and reverence shining through the picture is enough to make anyone emotional.

The devoted son’s filial piety is clearly evident in the precious shot.

The viral photo tweeted by Bhaskar Rao, the additional director general of the Karnataka State Reserve Police, is a special reminder to all that a mother truly is the treasure of the home and a family’s brightest star.

Rao shared in his tweet that the man in the photo had recently been sworn in as a police sub-inspector. Like any other son, the new cop must have wished for his single mother to attend his passing-out parade.

But, seemingly, due to life’s circumstances, she was not able to attend the ceremony.

Knowing in his heart that he wouldn’t have got this far in life if it wasn’t for the love and devotion of his mother, the noble son decided to ask for her blessings and express his unconditional gratitude.

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The photo was met with tremendous support and an outpouring of heartfelt messages by social media users.

“Dear Sir, very nice photo worth sharing taking a look at it other officers in the academy shall come to know that how mothers in the rural areas sacrifice their life to [sic] their children to see them in a such a worthy uniform,” one person commented.
Another wrote, “He is saluting his both mothers at the sametime [sic] - his motherland and own mother.”
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