Duct Tape Prom Dress, Suit Made for Scholarship (+Photo)

Duct tape prom dress: High school seniors made matching prom outfits--a dress and a suit--entirely out of duct tape to take part in a scholarship competition.
Duct Tape Prom Dress, Suit Made for Scholarship (+Photo)
Jennifer Kight and Alex Luna (Screenshot of SCNow.com/The Epoch Times)

Two seniors at a South Carolina high school wore a duct tape suit and dress to the prom

Jennifer Kight and Alex Luna of Lake City High School used more than 30 rolls of black and hot pink duct tape to make matching prom outfits, reported SCNow.com.  

The two seniors made the outfits to take part in a scholarship contest sponsored by Duck Brand duct tape to win $5,000 each. The contest awards the money to those who make the best suit and dress.

“It sounded really fun and there’s that opportunity to get a scholarship. I thought might as well do it, last year, go all out,” Luna told the website.

Kight and Luna spent more than 200 hours making the suit and dress since late November.

“I didn’t know exactly how much work it would be. It’s a lot more than I thought it would be and it was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but overall it’s turned out great and I really am happy that I did it,” Kight said.

But the two are facing some competition from two other South Carolina high school students.

Amber Squires and Kody Britt made a matching prom suit and dress out of three different colored types of duct tape: light blue, gold, and black. They wore the outfits to Green Sea Floyd High School’s prom.

Squires told Carolina Live that she spent more 60 hours of cutting and taping, and three years of planning.

“It was frustrating sometimes because once duct tape sticks to itself, it’s not moving. And I'd have to start over on some things and redo some, but it’s been fun the whole time,” Squires said.

Wearing the outfit was also a chore, Britt told ABC News.

“It was very uncomfortable. It was hot, it was like a sauna suit. But it was fun; I believe it was worth it,” Britts said.

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