Mom Asks Son to Adopt Any Pet From Shelter, So He Picks Huge Elderly Marmalade Cat

Mom Asks Son to Adopt Any Pet From Shelter, So He Picks Huge Elderly Marmalade Cat
(Courtesy of Exploits Valley SPCA)
Epoch Inspired Staff
From the archives: This story was last updated in July 2019.
Imagine if your mother told you that you could adopt any pet of your choice from your local animal shelter. For many, it would be a hard choice to make as there are so many happy, sad, and excited faces of dogs and cats in the shelter that are waiting for a forever home.

For one young boy named Easton, he was faced with the dilemma. The little boy was told he could choose between a puppy dog or a cat.

However, when Easton went with his mom to the Exploits Valley SPCA, a rescue group in central Newfoundland, Canada, in September 2017, he found a senior ginger cat named Tiny that helped him make up his mind on which pet to choose.
(Screenshot/<a href=",-55.6612312,3a,46.2y,158.22h,86.5t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sCys4tvwXUcmsiM8w8Ygusw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x410b92dd06cf16f5:0xd6fa2e3743c6c6f1!8m2!3d48.9472366!4d-55.6610152">Google Maps</a>)
(Screenshot/Google Maps)

This giant ginger-colored cat had only been at the shelter for a couple of days before Easton and his mom first met him—and it was love at first sight. The then-10-year-old Tiny was one of two siblings that were surrendered to the shelter by the previous owner due to unforeseen circumstances. Both Tiny and his sister Trinity needed a forever home. Unlike most siblings, this brother-sister cat duo were not bonded and could go to two separate homes.

Tiny’s photo was posted on the group’s Facebook page so that they could find a potential home for him. “We posted him on as a courtesy post so he wouldn’t have to come in the shelter until absolutely necessary,” Exploits Valley SPCA told Love Meow. The ginger cat was described in the post as easy to feed “but is ‘weight challenged’ and has a big round belly that he loves to have rubbed.”

He was also described as being “shy.” However, it certainly didn’t take too long for Tiny to warm up to his new owner. Once Easton and his mom completed the adoption paperwork and placed Tiny’s cage in the backseat of the car, it didn’t take long for Tiny to sneak out and cuddle Easton.

“On the ride home Tiny got out of his cage and cuddled in with his new owner and has been stuck to him ever since,” the group wrote on their Facebook page.

When Exploits Valley SPCA shared Easton’s picture and heartwarming story on their Facebook page, the post quickly went viral garnering over 54,000 likes and some 19,000 shares.

One social media user wrote, “Awww how sweet! I had a cat that looked just like tiny and she lived to be 22 years old! Enjoy.” Meanwhile, another user who was touched by the sweet story chimed in, “Thanks that couldn’t be more precious. I love hearing stories like that.”

A third social media user commented: “This is STILL my favorite post EVER. such amazing parents, and such an amazing kid! Thank you for adopting, and showing your child the meaning of adoption and why it’s so important!!”

(Courtesy of <a href="">Exploits Valley SPCA</a>)
(Courtesy of Exploits Valley SPCA)
Two weeks after Easton took Tiny back home, the group shared an update with their fans, and wrote: “The story about Tiny and Easton was the first post we have had go ‘viral’ meaning over 2.6 million people saw it and we received comments from Australia, USA, Europe, etc.”

They further added: “It’s pretty neat but really no surprise. How much sweeter does the world get?”

Indeed. Thanks to the little boy for showing his compassion and giving a senior cat the love and care he needs.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Exploits Valley SPCA</a>)
(Courtesy of Exploits Valley SPCA)
Epoch Inspired staff cover stories of hope that celebrate kindness, traditions, and triumph of the human spirit, offering valuable insights into life, culture, family and community, and nature.
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