Can You Spot the Raptor Hiding in the Sea of Purple Flowers? (And Identify What Species It Is?)

Can You Spot the Raptor Hiding in the Sea of Purple Flowers? (And Identify What Species It Is?)
@counting_feathers/Caters News

Take a look at this photo, captured in Lonavala, India, and see if you can spot the raptor hiding in the sea of purple flowers.

Akshay Gotkhindi, 29, from Pune, India, captured the stunning image which shows a bird of prey amidst thousands of 20-centimeter (8-inch) purple pogostemon deccanensis flowers.

The avid photographer, who works in investment banking, took the shot in January 2021.

“This place is very much favorable for different raptors all over the world,” he said, using the now-popular term “raptor”—which refers to birds of prey, such as eagles, hawks, and falcons.

There is one raptor hiding in Gotkhindi’s photo. Can you pinpoint it?—and then determine what species it is?

Can you spot the raptor hiding in the sea of purple flowers? (@counting_feathers/Caters News)
Can you spot the raptor hiding in the sea of purple flowers? @counting_feathers/Caters News

“The ****** can be seen taking a pit stop here as it is open land and perfect prey base for these birds,” Gotkhindi said.

“It is filled with various protein-based insects like caterpillars, grasshoppers and much more, which is the staple food for the raptors to gain more energy for their forward journey, as they will now directly fly to Africa.”

Look below to discover the raptor’s location.

A bird of prey hides in a field of pogostemon deccanensis flowers in Lonavala, India. (@counting_feathers/Caters News)
A bird of prey hides in a field of pogostemon deccanensis flowers in Lonavala, India. @counting_feathers/Caters News

The photographer added, “I was delighted when he flew past and then he landed in those flower beds which were spread out all over the place.

“The first thought which came into my mind was how beautifully he was sitting in those flowers.”

If you guessed the bird of prey to be an Amur falcon, then you’ve hit the mark!

Below are a few more incredible shots of the falcon.

(@counting_feathers/Caters News)
@counting_feathers/Caters News
(@counting_feathers/Caters News)
@counting_feathers/Caters News
(@counting_feathers/Caters News)
@counting_feathers/Caters News
Epoch Times staff contributed to this report.
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