
It is not French. It is not Italian. It is neither Lebanese nor Greek nor Turkish. It is all of the above created by a Lebanese chef born in Nice, France. So the menu is eclectic and the place is chic!
Tapas ala chic presentation Courtesy L'ybane Restaurant

<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/Tapasala_medium.jpg"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/Tapasala_medium.jpg" alt="Tapas ala chic presentation (Courtesy L'ybane Restaurant)" title="Tapas ala chic presentation (Courtesy L'ybane Restaurant)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-77454"/></a>
Tapas ala chic presentation (Courtesy L'ybane Restaurant)
It is not French. It is not Italian. It is neither Lebanese nor Greek nor Turkish. It is all of the above created by a Lebanese chef born in Nice, France. So the menu is eclectic and the place is chic!

This French wine bar is similar to the chic eatery from the seaside part of Nice and is transposed to Upper East Side of Manhattan by the owner/chef Al Rineh and his brother. L’ybane has been opened for two months, and it is already hopping, lively, and happy.

Nice is known as the “Flower of the South” of France. It is a very flavorful, colorful, and frivolous city, just like its history. Nice was occupied by many people from Europe. That is why its culture is very rich with its own unique Nicois character. This is reflected in the menu at L’ybane, which combines different dishes from all those influences with a refined, elegant presentation and a strong focus on healthy ingredients. Here, a vegetarian will not feel denied. There is plenty to enjoy.

We do not fry food here, nor do we use butter. We use olive oil and fresh, light, and healthy ingredients. The place is vibrant and good for young couples or groups who want to hang out and enjoy tasty meals while having fun. You can be formal or casual. Your choice.

<a href="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/GrilledChickenKebab_medium.jpg"><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/07/GrilledChickenKebab_medium.jpg" alt="Grilled chicken kebab (Courtesy L'ybane Restaurant)" title="Grilled chicken kebab (Courtesy L'ybane Restaurant)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-77455"/></a>
Grilled chicken kebab (Courtesy L'ybane Restaurant)


Chicken Shish Kebab Recipe
Complements of Chef Rineh of L’ybane

2    Hen breasts, cut into pieces
1    Cup olive oil
1    Cup lemon juice
2    Tablespoons sweet papricka
2-3    Cloves fresh garlic – mashe

Salt and pepper to taste
Mix all ingredients and let the chicken marinade overnight. Put chicken on skewers, grill, and serve with rice and green salad

The menu offers choices from grilled shrimp ($32) to spiced chickpea fritters ($9) to a selection of pastas ($10 to $20) and hamburgers ($11 to $12). My friend and I had the Royal Assortment comprised of at least 14 different dishes (tapas), which was quite a feast and big enough for at least three people. It was very tasty showcasing the foods from the different surrounding regions with a twist of Lebanese cuisine.

While it was very tasty, perhaps the chef would consider a different combination of tapas. However, the grilled meat, which is part of the Royal Assortments, was excellent in quality and flavoring—light and fresh. The grilled shrimp, a very simple dish, was cooked to perfection with a touch of garlic and olive oil. As you are savoring this, you can enjoy French wine from the bar. The wine list is comprised of carefully selected French wine, or as you enjoy the tapas you can try a Cocktail L’ybane, mango puree with champagne and vodka.

Save space for the desert. There is a nice variety. Our decision was between the pistachio macaroon ($9) and the profiterole ($9). My friend was so delighted we chose the latter and so was I. We thought it would be a nice ending to this tasty and satisfying meal.

The Verdict:  Welcome to the neighborhood! It is what it is supposed to be—A French Wine Bar for young couples or a nice group to hang out and have fun.

L’ybane is located at 1136 First Avenue, between 62nd and 63rd Streets.

Open daily for lunch and dinner 3:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. The bar is open until 1 a.m. on weeknights and 1:30 a.m. on weekends.

For more information, please call (212) 826-1111 or visit lybane.com