Judge Refuses to Jail Girl Who Stabbed Her Abuser

A British judge chose not to give a jail sentence to a teenage girl who had stabbed a pedophile that had molested her when she was a child.
Judge Refuses to Jail Girl Who Stabbed Her Abuser
A judge holding a gavel. (iStock)
Jonathan Zhou

The stabbed man had received a community sentence for the sexual assault in 2009, which Hall considers lenient. 

“It would be a disgrace to send a survivor like you to prison,” Hall said. 

Last November, the girl tracked down her attacker and stabbed him near the heart, but paramedics made it in time to save him. 

After the stabbing, the girl told her aunt “Tell my mum I love her,” and turned herself at the Trafalgar House Police station. 

After the man was given a community sentence, the girl feared that he would retaliate against her.

She was later expelled from school for bad behavior

According to the girl, the sexual assault destroyed her life. 

“This is an exceptional case which requires an exceptional course,” the girl’s lawyer said. “This deeply troubled and damaged child, bedeviled by low self esteem, is crying out for help.”

The girl received a two-year sentence youth rehabilitation order with supervision. 

Jonathan Zhou is a tech reporter who has written about drones, artificial intelligence, and space exploration.