Is the Maldives the Ultimate Honeymoon Destination?

Is the Maldives the Ultimate Honeymoon Destination?
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Planning a honeymoon is almost as important as planning the wedding– and equally stressful. There’s balancing budgets and bookings, not to mention picking the perfect destination.

Your honeymoon will be the first time you are traveling together as a married couple, and after all the stress of the big day, you'll certainly want a little relaxation. It’s your vacation of a lifetime; a time to enjoy the first few days, or even weeks, of married life, soaking in the moment with the one you love, all while being able to forget about your normal life back home.

Whether you want to embark on an exotic adventure or spend a week in paradise, is up to personal preference, but one thing’s for sure– it’s got to be romantic.

MORE: Top 5 Must-Do Things in the Maldives

I’ve probably dreamt about my honeymoon destination just as long as I’ve dreamt about my wedding day, and for me, I’ve always felt that a honeymoon should be somewhere tropical.

While being whisked away to Paris or sipping wine in Napa Valley might be utterly romantic, those scenarios just don’t seem fitting for a honeymoon, but rather for a surprise getaway or anniversary celebration.

No. Instead I’ve always dreamed about relaxing on the beach in my own personal paradise for my honeymoon. Destinations like Hawaii, Fiji or Bora Bora are ones that used to immediately come to mind.

Now, there is only one place that I can appropriately deem the ultimate honeymoon destination–The Maldives.

(BesuDesu Abroad)
(BesuDesu Abroad)

Isolated from the rest of the world, the Maldives is the perfect destination for romance, luxury, and relaxation. There’s little not to love about these breath-taking islands, and the words “tropical paradise” hardly does them justice.

People might only dream of crystal-clear water and powdery white sand– but in the Maldives, this is reality.

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Copyright © 2014 by BesuDesu Abroad. This article was written by Beth Williams and originally published at BesuDesu Abroad

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