In an Uncertain World, What’s a Mom to Do?

In an Uncertain World, What’s a Mom to Do?
Simple, predictable routines offer comfort to children. Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock
Barbara Danza
We are living through troubling times. When the future is unclear and the weight of the world seems ever increasing, what’s a mom to do? In the face of such uncertainty, the work of a mother is as important as ever.

Increase Hugs

Whatever your current hugging regimen in your household, up the ante. It’s good for your family members and it’s good for you, too. It’s been said that hugging reduces stress. So, live life open-armed.

Prepare for the Unexpected

It’s good to be prepared. In an atmosphere of uncertainty, knowing that you’re ready for anything can offer you a comforting sense of peace. Stock up on nonperishables and check the batteries in your portable devices.

Hone Your Routines

Simple, predictable, daily routines are extraordinarily comforting to children. Even if your “normal” has been jettisoned for the time being, ensure that you’ve got your family running with routines that work for everyone. No need to become a drill sergeant; just reinforce a lovely rhythm that keeps sleep patterns in check, nutrition on the up-and-up, and a sense of progress each day.

Look for the Lessons

So, life’s throwing curveballs like it’s the World Series. What are we to learn from this? There’s always a lesson to be learned. Embrace introspection and journal your way through the struggle. You may look back on this time as a remarkable period of personal growth.
What’s more, teach your children to look for the lessons as well. You may learn that you don’t need as much as you think you did, or that freedom is a value to hold dear.

Let Go of Control

Moms are often the driving force behind the family plans for the day, the week, and the year. From vacations to extracurricular activities, day trips to volunteer opportunities, and more—our family calendars can be something to behold (normally).

Now, with the future looking hazy, planning has become quite tricky.

The present, however, remains clear. Embrace living in the moment and appreciate the blessings of the here and now. Remember that each and every day is a gift.

Mind What You Consume

While it’s important to ensure that you’re fueling your body with healthy, whole foods rather than processed, sugary junk, it’s also important you’re feeding your mind with truth and goodness rather than much of what’s being presented as news and entertainment these days. Be discerning in your choices. If you find that the media you consume agitates your emotions, consider whether that’s benefiting you or manipulating you.

Teach Your Children Well

Never has it been more imperative that parents take the reins of their children’s education. Make sure that your children read the classics, learn true history, and learn to discern good from bad, right from wrong, and truth from fiction.

Reach Out

There are plenty of people right now who could use a helping hand, a pick-me-up, or even a friendly, passing smile. Look upon others with a heart of compassion and embrace the opportunities to be of service to others at this time.

Take Care of Yourself

Give yourself extra care during this time. Buffer in extra time to do things. Allow yourself extra grace and kick the habit of perfection. Watch how you speak to yourself in your mind. Move your body each day. Get into nature. Nurture the spirit inside.

Seek Higher Wisdom

If you are so inclined, seek out spiritual wisdom. If you’re a religious person, dive deeper into the teachings of your faith. When the world’s gone mad, a higher perspective will see you through.
Barbara Danza
Barbara Danza
Barbara Danza is a contributing editor covering family and lifestyle topics. Her articles focus on homeschooling, family travel, entrepreneurship, and personal development. She contributes children’s book reviews to the weekly booklist and is the editor of “Just For Kids,” the newspaper’s print-only page for children. Her website is
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