How to Train a Dog: Tips from NYC’s Top Dog Trainers, part 2/6

New York City’s top rated dog trainers give tips on how to train a dog for happy city living.
How to Train a Dog:  Tips from NYC’s Top Dog Trainers, part 2/6
Anthony Newman, owner of Calm Energy Dog Training, with Artie. (Photo courtesy of Calm Energy Dog Training)

How to Train a Dog: Tricks of the trade from five of NYC’s top rated dog trainers.

New Yorkers love their dogs, but life in any major metropolis offers up some serious challenges to dog owners.  In this series The Epoch Times interviewed six of New York City’s top rated dog trainers to find out how to train a dog for happy city living.  

Each of these certified trainers has a unique approach. Some are near celebrities in their field, and others just broke out on their own, but all have great advice and long line of satisfied customers behind them. Check out the whole How to Train a Dog series here.

Anthony Newman— Owner, Calm Energy Dog Training

“There are two warring schools of dog training, “ according to Anthony Newman, owner of Calm Energy Dog Training. There is the ”pack leader” approach, made famous by Dog Whisperer Cesar Milan, and the “positive reinforcement” approach, based in behavioral science.

“In my mind the political war between the two camps is hurting the dogs. I have been trained in both, I respect them both, and I take what is best from both and do what is best for the individual dog.” Newman said.

Newman, who opened Calm Energy Dog Training in 2008, says that while owning a dog in the city offers unique challenges it can be great for the dog.

“It’s not true that you can’t have a happy dog in the city,” Newman says.  “New Yorker’s are forced to do a lot of healthy things for their dogs. City dogs can be very fulfilled because we have to walk them.  Walking is a great bonding exercise between the owner and the dog.”

According to Newman the three keys to a fulfilled, happy, obedient dog are exercise, socialization and leadership.

“Leadership cuts through all areas of life,” Newman says.  “The city is an unnatural place for a dog and they really need that calm leadership to show them how to deal with it.”

Newman says that from the very beginning owners should think about the kind of behavior they are encouraging.  “Everything your dog gets that he wants; treats, dinner, a belly rub, a walk, what was he doing right before you gave this to him? That is the behavior you are reinforcing.”

Newman mostly works privately with clients and their dogs because each dog is an individual with their own unique needs.  “I go to peoples’ apartments and we work inside. Then we hit the streets and do leash walks and we go to the dog park together.”  

Newman says that off-leash time at the dog park is the best way to exercise and socialize your dog.  “Good socialization means they will hang out with new dogs, strange dogs, over-excited dogs,” Newman says.  

Newman, who used to teach philosophy at both MIT and Tufts University in Boston takes a contemplative, philosophical approach to dog training.


“I give everyone personalized homework assignments. I keep it all fun.  A lot of helping people with their dogs is breaking down the ideas for them and helping them to put those ideas to work.”

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