How to Protect Yourself From Bed Bugs While Traveling (Video)

Ingrid Longauerová

Bed bugs are the last thing anybody wants to bring home from a trip, but it happens more than we know. Howdini’s Kimberly Austin asks entomologist Lou Sorkin and two pest control experts for practical advice on how to protect against bedbugs when traveling.

Bed bugs spend most of their lives hiding. They come out just for feeding and that is most of the time at night when people are sleeping. The fist thing we must do is to be able to identify them. We should look not just for the reddish bug itself but also for it silver coloured eggs. Look also for their droppings which appears as black spots and translucent skin.

Another step is to inspect any hotel room before you commit to stay in it. You look at the bed sheets, edges of mattress, inside drawers or under furniture. If you find something immediately tell the hotel and ask for another room and then check that room too.

Step three is to protect your belongings. Do not leave them on the floor or on the bed. Put things into plastic bags even your camera and laptop.

Ingrid Longauerová is a long time employee at the Epoch Media Group. She started working with The Epoch Times as a freelance journalist in 2007 before coming to New York and work in the Web Production department. She is currently a senior graphic designer for the Elite Magazine, a premier luxury lifestyle magazine for affluent Chinese in America produced by the EMG.
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