How to Make: Brussels Sprouts and Bacon

How to Make: Brussels Sprouts and Bacon
Brussels sprouts with bacon recipe that will make you clean your plate. Courtesy of Food Ease

Our team is not the biggest brussels sprouts fan! But just recently, we discovered a recipe that will make us clean a plate of brussels sprouts!



1 lb brussels sprouts, trimmed, halved
4 slices bacon, chopped
A knob of butter

1. Pan fry chopped bacon until halfway crispy.
2. Meanwhile, steam brussel sprouts for 3 minutes. Take them off the heat, rinse with cold water, and drain.
3. When bacon is there, add in the brussels sprouts. Cook for about 7-10 minutes, or until the bottom starts to turn golden brown.
4. Add butter. Cook for about 2 minutes, and serve.


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