Home Decor: Tips for a Fall Facelift

Home Decor: Tips for a Fall Facelift
For an easy makeover, add plants for color and serenity. (Photographee.eu/Shutterstock)

As we leave behind the hotter-than-hot summer days and begin to feel the ever-so-subtle cooling breezes, many of us are left with the desire to mark the change of seasons (even where there are none). Homeowners can mark the passage of time by giving their home a facelift.

Precluding a home renovation, there are many things you can do to your home. Here are a few designer tips to help your home fall into its best version.

Pick one room, such as a powder room or entry hall, and wallpaper the walls with a bold, stop-you-in-your-tracks paper. This will help create an impactful first impression and fool every visitor into thinking you have done an entire renovation. Let them think what they will.

Never underestimate the power of color. The look and mood of a space can dramatically change when you alter the colors. For example, ivory and yellow are psychological substitutes for a room that may lack natural light, so they are great choices for creating an uplifting and bright room. A darker color such as black, brown, or red creates a mysterious and warmer mood, and pink and green are purported to have a calming effect. Study your room, and determine your desired effect ... and then paint away.

Move your furniture around to create inviting and intimate conversation areas. Any space can become more intimate when you pull seating a little tighter. If your room allows it, create more than one arrangement within the room. Don’t be shy to mix and match any combination of sofas, love seats, and chairs. Refrain from lining the room with chairs; it will look like an arrangement for a group therapy session. Conversational groupings should be interrupted by small tables to place drinks, books, and magazines, as well as ottomans or hassocks to prop up your feet.

Do not be afraid to improve store-bought furniture. Say you picked up a pair of end tables at your local store; you can give it a custom edge or feature. Place a beautiful handkerchief, a remnant of a favorite wallpaper or a collection of antique prints on the surface, and top it with a piece of glass. Voila! You now have something quite unique.

Daring enough to try drafting or freehand drawing? Paint an unexpected surface such as the ceiling or floor. Try making a plaid pattern on the ceiling. This will entail some accurate measurements, tape, and several layers of paint. If that sounds too restrictive, try a freehand detail on a wall or swirls of a roller on a floor. One layer after another, your bold floor pattern will come to life. The point is to have fun and give the room that “why didn’t I think of that?” feeling to your visitors.

Finally, an easy makeover for any room that also improves the quality of the air and makes the room feel serene is the addition of plants and flowers. They will not only embellish the room but also make you feel so good!

Joseph Pubillones is the owner of Joseph Pubillones Interiors, an award-winning interior design firm based in Palm Beach, Fla. To find out more about Joseph Pubillones, or to read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at Creators.com. Copyright 2020 Creators.com

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