High School Dance Coordinator: Shen Yun Is ‘Amazing’

“The digital media that is also going on is another element that just adds to that spectacular viewing,” said Ms. Caltiviano.
High School Dance Coordinator: Shen Yun Is ‘Amazing’
Melissa Caltiviano, a high school dance coordinator who also teaches dance, at Shen Yun Performing Arts, on Feb. 23. (Courtesy of NTD Television)
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/sydney23.jpg" alt="Melissa Caltiviano, a high school dance coordinator who also teaches dance, at Shen Yun Performing Arts, on Feb. 23. (Courtesy of NTD Television)" title="Melissa Caltiviano, a high school dance coordinator who also teaches dance, at Shen Yun Performing Arts, on Feb. 23. (Courtesy of NTD Television)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1807890"/></a>
Melissa Caltiviano, a high school dance coordinator who also teaches dance, at Shen Yun Performing Arts, on Feb. 23. (Courtesy of NTD Television)
SYDNEY—Melissa Caltiviano, a high school dance coordinator who also teaches dance, brought 144 students to see the Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Capitol Theatre for the matinee performance on Wednesday Feb. 23. This is the second year she has brought students to see Shen Yun perform.

“It is amazing! It is an absolutely spectacular performance the students are loving it,” she said.

New York-based Shen Yun is the world’s premier classical Chinese dance and music company, according to its website. Chinese classical dance has a vast training system and focuses on bearing, form and techniques.

“The performance is amazing. The girls are absolutely blown away by the athleticism and the absolutely amazing ability of the dancers,” Ms. Caltiviano said.

State-of-the-art digital backdrops are projected behind the performers and appear to interact with the performers on the stage, drawing the audience into the drama playing out onstage.

“The digital media that is also going on is another element that just adds to that spectacular viewing,” said Ms. Caltiviano.

Shen Yun tours with a live orchestra of both traditional Western and Chinese instruments playing original compositions. Ms. Caltiviano thought the orchestra was “superb” and “a nice blend.” She said some of the students “can tell the traditional Chinese instruments, the different sounds.”

“The singers are really amazing,” she said. “The pianist is spectacular and she is an incredible performer.”

Taking a group of students to see Shen Yun has many benefits, Ms. Caltiviano said.

“It is a very interesting way for them to see and learn a little bit about the Chinese culture. The cultural background and the history that is coming through is an interesting way to teach them.

“For this experience to see hands on the difference in culture and multiculturalism really does hone in that message that we are trying to teach our students about multiculturalism, and is giving them a new experience to a different culture, which they may have not experienced before.

“I think they are learning a lot.”

Before leaving, Ms. Caltiviano said Shen Yun was a “fantastic performance” and she recommended “everyone to see it.”

Reporting by NTD and Leigh Smith.

Shen Yun International Company has one more performance this evening at Sydney’s Capitol Theatre before leaving for Melbourne for shows from March 1—6. For more information visit ShenYunPerformingArts.org