Heart Disease Risk in Diabetics Can Be Reduced by Eating Nuts

Heart Disease Risk in Diabetics Can Be Reduced by Eating Nuts
Nuts are delicious, filling, and can help diabetics avoid heart disease. Felix Mittermeier/Unsplash

Heart disease risk in diabetics may be reduced by consuming nuts. The latest study uncovered that diabetics who consumed at least five 28-gram servings of nuts a week were 17 percent less likely to develop heart disease compared to those who only had one serving or less of nuts a week.

But just one serving of nuts isn’t all that bad. In fact, the study found that adding a serving of nuts a week reduced diabetics risk of developing cardiac conditions by three percent. They also had a six percent lower risk of dying from heart-related problems.

Lead study author Gang Liu explained, “These data provide novel evidence that supports the recommendation of incorporating nuts into healthy dietary patterns for the prevention of cardiovascular disease complications and premature deaths among individuals with diabetes.”

The researchers suspect that nuts help to improve blood sugar and reduce inflammation along with providing heart-healthy nutrients to support and protect the heart.

But like all things in life, moderation is key. Although it isn’t certain what the ideal serving size it, it is recommended to not consume too many nuts in one sitting or throughout the week. Nuts are high in fat and calories. On the other hand, nuts can help you feel full, which may help you reduce your daily caloric intake.

This is why a handful of nuts is often recommended as a healthy snack.

The study looked at 16,217 men and women before and after being diagnosed with diabetes who were asked to consume nuts over the course of several years.

During the study, 3,336 cases of cardiovascular disease were documented.

Nuts were associated with a lower risk of heart disease even after adjusting for other factors. Nuts with the strongest association were walnuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, pistachios, pecans, macadamias, hazelnuts, and pine nuts.

A one-ounce serving of nuts is about 24 almonds, 18 cashews, 12 hazelnuts, and 14 walnut halves.

Emily Lunardo studied medical sociology at York University with a focus on the social determinants of health and mental illness. This article was first published on BelMarraHealth.com