Faith Community Turns to the Divine for Strength Amid the CCP Virus Pandemic

Faith Community Turns to the Divine for Strength Amid the CCP Virus Pandemic
A sign on the door to Grace Church Eden Prairie pointed churchgoers to online services after church leadership decided to present worship music and the sermon to an estimated 3,500 online viewers in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, on March 15, 2020. Adam Bettcher/Getty Images
Meiling Lee

The CCP virus has claimed over 25,000 deaths worldwide since the outbreak became obvious in December, shut down schools and businesses, and overwhelmed healthcare systems in areas where there are high numbers of confirmed cases.

In times of uncertainty and fear, it is natural to turn to one’s faith for comfort, strength, and hope.

Kayzel Mendoza says the first thing she does in the morning is “I grab my bible, I read, and I pray.”

Mendoza, 27, from San Diego, says it important to go through her morning routine. “It truly eases my mind,” Mendoza says. “I think that’s why it’s so important for me to be intentional with my time, with God first thing in the morning before I look at social media, before I literally get out of bed, is to quiet my mind and my spirit.”

Kayzel Mendoza. (Courtesy of Kayzel Mendoza)
Kayzel Mendoza. Courtesy of Kayzel Mendoza

Life was busy and sometimes stressful for Mendoza who juggled long hours at work while leading worship and planning for her upcoming wedding in June. Now, all that has changed.

“I work with autistic children,” Mendoza said. “As of Friday [March 13], it was literally my last day of working and I had no idea that was going to be my last day. Right now, my job is on pause.”

There is also uncertainty if the wedding will happen since its unknown how long the pandemic will last.

“I was so stressed with wedding planning and figuring out how all of this was going to come together,” Mendoza said. “But I’ve come to a place and I actually have peace about it. It really is a God-given peace because I know that even if all the plans don’t follow through, we don’t have a wedding on our set date, it’s still going to be ok.”

“We’re still going to get married. Life is still going to go on. There is no reason to look at this at such a negative perspective. We can still live with joy.”

California had 4,044 confirmed COVID-19 cases, with 83 deaths at the time of this report. It is the third-hardest hit state in the CPP virus outbreak following New York and New Jersey.

The Epoch Times refers to the virus, which causes the disease COVID-19, as the CCP virus because the regime’s coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and fan a global pandemic.

To help curb the spread of the virus, Governor Gavin Newson ordered Californians to stay at home on March 19, unless they are conducting essential activities.

Kayzel Mendoza (Courtesy of Kayzel Mendoza)
Kayzel Mendoza Courtesy of Kayzel Mendoza
With her full-time work on hold now, Mendoza is still leading worship virtually. Singing has been a passion for her since she was young. “Music in itself is the number one thing I am most passionate about,” Mendoza said. “When you connect that with God who is the most important in my life, who is the foundation of my life, it’s an overwhelming feeling when I get to worship, and it’s such a joy.”

Her church switched to online Sunday services before the stay at home was put in place.

For Pastor Dan Miller of Eden Baptist Church in Minnesota, gatherings at the church have also been put on hold, “As far as what we’re choosing to do is trying to be cooperative with what seems to be the best approach on tamping this down.”

“We’re kind of retooling ministry trying to rethink how we connect with people. Thankfully, there’s many technologies so we’re doing so virtually.” The church is taking one week at a time and producing videos for their congregants to stay connected.

Miller says during times like this when the foundation we rely on to hold us up is shaken, “it’s very important where we turn to find strength, to find balance for our life.”

“We’ve ventured into a season of great trial and that really calls upon people to consider what they’re trusting in, where they’re finding hope and where they’re finding stability for their soul.”

Governor Tim Walz has ordered a shelter in place for Minnesotans beginning March 27. The midwest state has 346 confirmed cases and two deaths.

During this difficult time, Miller says, “That times just as this reveal that the answer is not inside of us. We find ourselves weak, we find ourselves incapable of even understanding what this pandemic is, how it affects me, how I should respond to it.”

Despite advances and progress in modern medicine, it still has not been able to find a cure or treatment for the CCP virus. “I think that what we’re sensing right now might be as real as anything that we’ve ever sensed, and that is that we’re not in control,” Miller said.

“There’s an answer that’s above us and beyond us, and there’s a realm of the divine where there is truth that we can tap into and there’s a trust and a confidence we can have in the purposes.”