Extraordinary Examples of Paper Art: Paper Cutting Collection

Be blown away by landscape paper cutter Eiko Ojala, internationally inspired Lisa Rodden; story-telling by Cheong-ah Hwang; fine lace work by Hina Aoyama
Extraordinary Examples of Paper Art: Paper Cutting Collection
Courtesy of Eiko Ojala

Landscape Paper Cutting

Eiko Ojala is an illustrator and graphic designer from Tallinn, Estonia. He studies shapes and shadows to create precise, simple, and beautiful realistic art. Ojala is a nominee for the Young Illustrator Award and YCN professional Award. He also has worked with Wired, New York Times, Sunday Times, Harvard Business Review, V&A Museum and Dwell magazine.

Learn more about Eiko Ojala here.


Animal Paper Cutting

Australian Lisa Rodden has been creating art since she was little. But it was her world travels, and the different cultures she encountered along the way, that have inspried her creations. 

In working with Aboriginal communities, Rodden learned how closely intertwined people and the environment truly are. Her work thus explores the idea of connectivity—of shapes, textures, forms and colors. All work together to bring her art to another level of complexity and beauty.

Learn more about Lisa Rodden here.



Story-Telling Paper Cutting

From Seoul, South Korea, Cheong-ah Hwang specializes in paper relief sculptures and 2D paper illustrations. She started playing with paper as a child growing up in her parent’s printing shop. Since 2000, she has been creating her paper art. 

Learn more about Cheong-ah Hwang here.



Fine Lace Paper Cutting

Hina Aoyama creates her delicate, lace-like paper art using nothing but a pair of fine-tipped scissors. She says she aims to exceed the quality achievable by time-consuming traditional fabric lace-making. Born in Japan, Ms. Aoyama now lives and creates in Ferney Volaire, France. 

Learn more about Hina Aoyama here.





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