Violinist: ‘Incredibly impressed’

The Divine Performing Arts (DPA) New York Company performed their second of three shows at the..
Violinist: ‘Incredibly impressed’
CHICAGO—The Divine Performing Arts (DPA) New York Company performed their second of three shows at the Civic Opera House, on Saturday night, Dec. 27. Marie and Gordon were amongst the audience who were enthralled by the performance.

Marie, a violinist, especially liked the music. “... the erhu, I loved that ... beautiful. I imagine it’s extremely difficult to play with just two strings, I’ve always been impressed by that. In some ways I’m thinking it might be more difficult than violin, but I don’t know, I’ve never played it.”

“It [the orchestra] sounded great, yeah, for a live performance, I was very impressed, and I thought it was one of the ensembles from Chicago, until I looked down in the pit.” She realized that everybody was Chinese and so most likely didn’t all come from Chicago. This impressed her.

Marie also appreciated the beauty of the dances and added, “Artistically, a lot of the dances, just with the costumes and the way everybody moved around, I thought it was very pretty, so pretty. The singers were great.”

When asked which performance impressed her most, Marie said the stories of the persecution of Falun Gong were her favorites. She said, “I definitely am touched by the dances, about communism. I think that it’s very valuable to express how the people of your culture feel, and we need to know the other side of the story.”

In summing up her feelings about tonight’s show, Marie said, “I really enjoyed it, incredibly impressed, it’s artistic ... it’s intellectual, it’s spiritual, a good combination of a lot of things. In a word, intriguing.”

Her boyfriend Gordon works in information technology and found the show very interesting. He said, “It was interesting to see all the ancient sort of dances and all the different aspects of the Chinese culture that were depicted. It’s definitely interesting.”

Chicago will host its final show for this season at 2:00pm on Dec. 28.

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