Voice Teacher Says DPA, ‘Elevates ancient Chinese culture to a very beautiful level’

Feng Lijing thought that DPA successfully elevated ancient Chinese culture to a very beautiful level.
Voice Teacher Says DPA, ‘Elevates ancient Chinese culture to a very beautiful level’

TAIPEI, Taiwan—Divine Performing Arts (DPA) International Company staged its second show in Taipei on Feb. 26. Zhang Mingyi, a voice teacher, and Feng Lijing, an aesthetics teacher, from the Promotion Department of Chinese Cultural University watched the show together.
During the intermission, Zhang Mingyi said that she was happy to know there is such a group in America successfully inheriting ancient Chinese culture. “Their portrayal of cultural heritage is very good, along with their well-disciplined team work and coordination. From the thunderous applause, she could feel the audiences’ great appreciation of the show,' she said. 

As a music lover, Zhang Mingyi displays a kind of aesthetic charm in her movements. She said that music brings peacefulness and tranquility to listeners and further inspires innovation. In the early half of the show, she liked best the solo “Honoring the Sacred Oath” by the tenor Yuan Qu. The background music during the intermission brought serenity to the audience.
Zhang Mingyi thought that DPA successfully presented all stage effects. Feng Lijing, on the other hand, stressed the sound presentation of aesthetics. She thought that DPA successfully elevated ancient Chinese culture to a very beautiful level. 

Chinese Culture University (CCU), located in Yangmingshan, a famous tourist spot in Taiwan, was founded over 47 years ago. With more departments than any other private university in Taiwan, CCU commits itself to the promotion of ancient Chinese culture. Zhang Mingyi teaches singing in the Promotion Department of CCU and also works as director of the Taipei Wenshan Chorus and of the Master Hongyi Music Chorus.
  For more information please visit DivinePerformingArts.org


Qiuyan Peng
Qiuyan Peng