Dancer: ‘All work together’

Ms. Takashima, a former dancer and now a publications coordinator, viewed the Chinese New Spectacular at the Paramount Theater in its second performance, Jan. 18.
Dancer: ‘All work together’
Ms. Takashima [left], a former dancer and now a publications coordinator, viewed “The Chinese New Spectacular” at the Paramount Theater in its second performance, Jan. 18. Sherry Dong/The Epoch Times
Sherry Dong

, a former dancer and now a publications coordinator, viewed "The Chinese New Spectacular" at the Paramount Theater in its second performance, Jan. 18. (Sherry Dong/The Epoch Times)"] <a href=""><img src="" width="300" class="size-medium wp-image-64494"/></a>
, a former dancer and now a publications coordinator, viewed "The Chinese New Spectacular" at the Paramount Theater in its second performance, Jan. 18. (Sherry Dong/The Epoch Times)"]
SEATTLE—Ms. Takashima, a former dancer and now a publications coordinator, viewed the Chinese New Spectacular at the Paramount Theater in its second performance, Jan. 18.

She was most impressed with the total coordination of every aspect of the dancing costumes, scenery, choreography, and music of the dances into a glorious whole.

It’s got beautiful costumes. The dancing and the choreography are really wonderful. …
I liked the men dancing—the leaps.

“With the graphic design [beautiful Chinese paintings projected on the backdrop]—it’s wonderful. … Like when they are floating down [moving figures projected on the scenery], I’ve never seen that done before, the way they come down and then [come on stage] from the back. Everything just works really well together.

“The poet one was wonderful [The Poets Vision]—he is a really good dancer and when the images floated down out of the sky … that one was done really very nicely.

It works really well together visually, the costumes—one doesn’t outshine the other. The background doesn’t outshine the costumes or the dance. All is one. There’s a lot of work that has gone into it.

“They are really good dancers. I get shivers down my back. Their timing and everything … all works together. They are a cohesive unit, if you know what I mean. As a whole they flow—everything flows together really well. It’s just wonderful to watch. [When] I danced—I worked hard—7 days a week so I have been well-trained, and I know what good dancing is. They have a lot of training … you can tell.”

Classical Chinese dance has its own complete set of training methods in foundational skills, a strict regimen for perfecting bearing and form, and means of training for skill sets such as jumps, turns, flips, and other aerial forms.

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