‘This revival of the old traditions is nice’

“It goes back to the old disciplines. The Chinese have been around an awful long time.”
‘This revival of the old traditions is nice’
Mike Cozy with his daughter, Mary. The Epoch Times
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/MikeCozy.jpg" alt="Mike Cozy with his daughter, Mary. (The Epoch Times)" title="Mike Cozy with his daughter, Mary. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1831963"/></a>
Mike Cozy with his daughter, Mary. (The Epoch Times)
SAN DIEGO—The final performance of the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) International Company’s show on Sunday Dec. 28 at San Diego’s Civic Theatre was applauded by all.

Mike Cozy, a retired security consultant from San Diego, attended the performance with his daughter, Mary. They loved all aspects of the performance; this was Mary’s fist visit to the theater.

Mr. Cozy said, “I loved it, it was beautiful. It has been a long time since I have been to a show like this, and I wanted to bring my daughter because this is her first time at the theater. It was really beautiful. We really enjoyed it a lot. I was hoping for more drums because I really like to listen to the drums.”

Mary shared her delight at what she had seen and heard. She particularly liked the backdrops and the performance Welcoming Spring, and said, “I liked it a lot. I liked the flower dance the best because it was cool with the fans. I also liked how the Gods flew in the sky on the screen, and then came out on the stage as real people.”

Mr. Cozy noted the spiritual content in the show and said, “It goes back to the old disciplines. The Chinese have been around an awful long time, and unfortunately things have changed and all of the good stuff has been forgotten. I’d like to see more of it coming back. The youngsters today don’t have a clue. This revival of the old traditions is nice.”

For more information please visit DivinePerformingArts.org