Bank Manager Says: ‘Very, very interesting. Very, very different’

Ms. Damy said: “I find it very awesome. I am Mexican and I didn’t have very much knowledge of the culture of China, and now it gives me a different view of it.”
Bank Manager Says: ‘Very, very interesting. Very, very different’
Mr. Dolgonos said it was his first time seeing a Chinese culture show. The Epoch Times
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Mr. Dolgonos said it was his first time seeing a Chinese culture show. (The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. Dolgonos said it was his first time seeing a Chinese culture show. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-78473"/></a>
Mr. Dolgonos said it was his first time seeing a Chinese culture show. (The Epoch Times)

SAN DIEGO, California—Mr. Dolgonos, a bank manager, came to the second San Diego show of the Divine Performing Arts company on Dec. 27, with his partner Ms. Damy.

“I really liked the colorful costumes, and the dancers are really great,” said Mr. Dolgonos when asked what he thought of the show. “[It is] interesting to live in the Chinese culture and understand what Chinese culture is about.”

Ms. Damy said: “I find it very awesome. I am Mexican and I didn’t have very much knowledge of the culture of China, and now it gives me a different view of it.”

Mr. Dolgonos said it was his first time seeing a Chinese culture show, but that he would definitely go again whenever he could. “I’m really excited about learning more,” he said.

“The different culture, the different dancers, the colorful costumes, it was really interesting. The show is really well done,” he continued.

“Western shows, from what I’ve noticed, they tell one story. I‘ve noticed this ... Over here there are many stories.”

Ms. Damy said she was moved by the tenor, and said she really felt what they were singing. “It is very easy to feel what the artists are trying to reflect.”

They heard about the show through seeing commercials in the city. “We were very interested in going to see something new, before New Years,” Mr. Dolognos elaborated.

<a href=""><img src="" alt="San Diego Civic Theater. (The Epoch Times)" title="San Diego Civic Theater. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-78474"/></a>
San Diego Civic Theater. (The Epoch Times)

After the show, Mr. Dolognos continued the interview. “It was very, very interesting. What was quite different is that there was some focus on people, but there were many people in focus, so it was just different than all the other shows that I have seen, because they had a lot of people. There were songs, it was just very, very different.”

Both were enthusiastic about seeing the show next year. Mr. Dolognos even said he will tell others about it. “Oh yes definitely. I have a brother that lives in New York and I will definitely recommend him going to see the show.”

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