Mainland Chinese First Class Performer: ‘Divine Performing Arts’ dances touched me 100 percent’

Ms. L, a first-class singer from Mainland China, has been singing professionally and teaching...
Mainland Chinese First Class Performer: ‘Divine Performing Arts’ dances touched me 100 percent’
The audience attentively watches the Divine Performing Arts performance. (Ma Youzhi/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="The audience attentively watches the Divine Performing Arts performance.   (Ma Youzhi/The Epoch Times)" title="The audience attentively watches the Divine Performing Arts performance.   (Ma Youzhi/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1831556"/></a>
The audience attentively watches the Divine Performing Arts performance.   (Ma Youzhi/The Epoch Times)
PASADENA, Calif.—The Divine Performing Arts International Company completed its eighth show in Los Angeles on Jan. 4.

Ms. L, a first-class singer from Mainland China, has been singing professionally and teaching for many years and is well known in the field. After watching the DPA performance on Jan. 4, she gave a high appraisal of the show.

‘Every ethnic group loves it!’

She said: “It’s excellent! The dances are great and very successful! The singing techniques used by the vocalists are superb. It was really successful. From the angle of the art, I told my friends that after being in the performing arts field for so many years, I felt DPA’s dances touched me 100 percent. It was extraordinary! The costumes, the lighting, the backdrop, all blend in. You can see that every ethnic group loves it, including children. They can feel that the Chinese culture is so mysterious, profound, and yet interesting.”

She continued, her face shining with joy: “I’ve been in the singing field for so many years and no matter whether the music or the performance, DPA’s dances are perfect, enlightening, and uplifting. What the dances expressed was all Chinese culture and everyone can understand it. There is no boundary in the world of art. It will touch all people. As long as you use the heart, the art can grab everybody’s heart! From the angle of the audience and the art, I feel it is excellent overall. Each of the dances is amazing and refreshing. Even the people who don’t know Chinese culture are strongly attracted.”

Ms. L also gave high complements to the live orchestra. “The vocal music is great! The orchestra can also be added in the solo. It is an excellent conglomeration of the East and the West. The orchestra added many traditional Chinese instruments, which is great. The Western people who sat behind me enjoyed [it] very much and gave great comments. They like the Chinese plucked stringed instruments and erhu very much.”

“Every dance is extraordinary. I will come back to see it again next year.” said Ms. L.

‘Important’ for People to Have Faith

After watching the program that portrays Falun Gong practitioners suffering persecution (Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution), Ms. L was very touched. “I didn’t experience those things myself, but I truly understand. People who have beliefs can all understand very well. Although I don’t have much contact with or deeper understanding of Falun Gong, I was so moved. The music, the story, the art touched me. Many things I cannot use language to describe. The power of art is just so great.”

She said, “I feel it is very important to have belief. It’s so different between people with and without belief. People who have belief become kindhearted and would like to help others.”

‘Power given by God’

Ms. L feels that there is a divine power from the show that joins with the performers that makes the show have such a large and appealing energy. “I feel that only God gives all the power to you so that you can have such a strong energy. It cannot be done by everybody. You can only do it when [God] gives the power to you. Why is the dance so touching? It is because it is a thing that combines the body with the soul.”

Divine Performing Arts has now arrived at San Francisco, the third city on its tour in the western United States. From Jan. 7 to 15, it will perform 11 shows in eight days. It will bring a great opportunity to different ethnic groups in the Bay Area to enjoy Chinese traditional culture.

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Read the original article  in Chinese

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