Divine Performing Arts Warms Up Chicago

“I would definitely come to see the show again.”
Divine Performing Arts Warms Up Chicago
CHICAGO—Chicago saw its first show of the Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour on Saturday afternoon, while temperatures in the city rose to the mid-50F, nearly 70 degrees higher than last week.

Mr. Stuart, owner of a construction company based in Wichita, Kansas brought his family to see the show after it was highly recommended by a tour guide from a large credit card company.

“Just awesome, just awesome!” said Mr. Stuart, saying the show was very interactive with the screen and the performers.

Mr. Stuart’s daughter Ashley, who is 12 years old and has been taking ballet for nine years, said she really liked the show a lot, especially the dancing. Her favorite was the opening act The Five Millennia Begin and The Monkey King Triumphs.

“I would definitely come to see the show again.”

Memories of Tibet

Ms. Bansa, who owns a day care center in Roger’s Park area of Chicago, said she wished she had been able to bring all one hundred and one children at her center to see the show.

Having traveled to Tibet with her husband, she said she really appreciated the Dance of the Snow-Capped Mountain, adding, “All the dances and the beautiful costumes just bring back memories for us. The mountains and the peace.”

Based in New York, the DPA was founded in 2006 with the purpose of rediscovering the true cultural heritage of China.

The DPA New York Company will hold one more performance in Chicago, at 2pm Sunday December 28.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour.
Please see DivinePerformingArts.org for more information.