Assistant Professors: ‘We enjoyed it very much’

“I liked it very much. The differences, at least to my ear and to my eye are obvious. To explain them I'd have to learn more.”
Assistant Professors: ‘We enjoyed it very much’
Dr. Zellner-Farrow and Dr. Farrow really enjoyed the show. The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Dr. Zellner-Farrow and Dr. Farrow really enjoyed the show. (The Epoch Times)" title="Dr. Zellner-Farrow and Dr. Farrow really enjoyed the show. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1832041"/></a>
Dr. Zellner-Farrow and Dr. Farrow really enjoyed the show. (The Epoch Times)

CHICAGO—Dr. Zellner-Farrow and Dr. Farrow, Assistant Professors from local Universities were among the audience at the Civic Opera House on Saturday night, Dec. 27 where the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) New York Company performed their second of three shows.

Dr. Farrow enjoyed the performance immensely and when asked what impressed him the most he answered: “Well, the colors were beautiful, and the professionalism, but I also enjoyed the ... some of the folkloric lessons, but also the religious and the freedom of religion and politics, morals, I enjoyed that very much ... the spiritual [messages], and hope.

“I liked it very much. The differences, at least to my ear and to my eye are obvious. To explain them I’d have to learn more, to be able to state the differences with any clarity and professionalism, but clearly it’s different ... We enjoyed it very much.”

“So it is unique, and yet the blend this [group] brings to the music, the dance, the stories, it becomes easy for someone, a Westerner who doesn’t know the stories and who doesn’t know the culture, and doesn’t know the music, to enjoy it and understand it.”

Dr. Farrow was particularly concerned about the persecution of Falun Dafa. He wanted to educate himself in this regard and said, “The Wheel of Life, the particular messages about the ... Falun Dafa struggle, which actually, frankly I’m going to go look up on the Internet and learn more about.”

“It is something new for me, I’m sure that forces of the audience paid more attention to this as I did, and some, unfortunately, may not have, but for those who were open to, paid attention to it and got the message, it’s a very nice message and if nothing else, a good way to educate and share.”

Dr. Zellner-Farrow felt that the performers enabled the audience to easily connect with the messages in the performances and she said, “I think it was perhaps more universal ... so it was easy to connect to the message, to the visual, to the music. So in that sense I think it was maybe different from other shows we’ve seen.”

She also appreciated the Master of Ceremonies for explaining the stories behind each piece, thus enhancing her understanding and enjoyment of each performance.

Chicago will host its final show for this season at 4:00pm on Dec. 28.

This article was written with files from SOH Radio, a media partner of The Epoch Times. 

Please see DivinePerformingArts .org for more information.