Accountant Sees Show Twice, Brings Friend

The Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour presentation held at Jones Hall in Houston, gave a traditional feel to the arts, that was good enough to attract her back a second time said accountant Ms. Lowrance.
Accountant Sees Show Twice, Brings Friend
Ms. Lowance and Mr. Reynolds in Jones Hall. The Epoch Times
Omid Ghoreishi
<a><img src="" alt="Ms. Lowance and Mr. Reynolds in Jones Hall. (The Epoch Times)" title="Ms. Lowance and Mr. Reynolds in Jones Hall. (The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1832118"/></a>
Ms. Lowance and Mr. Reynolds in Jones Hall. (The Epoch Times)
HOUSTON—The Divine Performing Arts 2009 World Tour presentation held at Jones Hall in Houston, gave a traditional feel to the arts, that was good enough to attract her back a second time said accountant Ms. Lowrance.

“[The music] brings a very traditional feel to what arts should be, very beautiful, very spectacular, very vibrant.”

A friend that she brought along, industrial salesman Mr. Reynolds, had never seen a DPA show before and found it “very interesting, first time.”

“This lady has seen it before, but it’s my first time. The colors are spectacular, very interesting.”

“I think they [the dancers] are very disciplined, I’m sure that it takes a lot of training,” he said.

“Who taught them? In other words, how is this all passed down? It seems like a beautiful, beautiful tradition.”

A business owner, Mr. Lien, said he saw another side of China, “ Which is the art, the culture, the music, and on top of that is the most important thing to me is the faith, so I feel like this show is very good.”

Mr. Lien attended the show with friends because his family was traveling out of town. He said, “It would be wonderful to be together with my wife and kids, you know, this is a great opportunity to understand, to know more about the other side of China, of course... This is great, this is a great show, you know I would love to have my friends and family to enjoy the show.”

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