Former Chairman of China Steel: ‘The performance is very good!’

“The classics of China are fully illustrated in the program. ... The performance addresses the search for morals and truth.
Former Chairman of China Steel: ‘The performance is very good!’
TAIPEI, Taiwan—The Divine Performing Arts (DPA) staged its fifth show in Taipei on the evening of Feb. 28. The pious and virtuous divinely-inspired classical Chinese culture reproduced by the performance was widely praised by Taiwan’s political and economic celebrities.

Mr. Wang Chungyu, former chairman of China Steel Corp. and incumbent vice chairman of Tong Lung Metal Industry Co., attended the show with his wife. For them, the sentence, “The performance is very good!” says it all.

At the end of the performance when Mr. and Mrs. Wang were about to leave, they came across a friend whom they hadn’t seen for a long time. They approached their friend excitedly and said, “The performance is very good. The virtues of Chinese culture such as loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and integrity can all be found in the show. It is really nice,” Mr. and Mrs. Wang told their friend.

Mr. Wang, who hadn’t watched DPA previously, felt very pleased to see the performance as the show reproduced the implications of Chinese traditional culture. “I like every piece of the program. The classics of China are fully illustrated in the program. Furthermore, the performance also addresses the search for morals and truth. At a time of ever-deteriorating social morality, a performance like this is excellent,” he said.

Mrs. Wang praised the uniqueness of the entire program. She now understands the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong adherents in China through watching today’s performance. She said, “In fact, I did not quite understand why the Chinese communist regime suppresses Falun Gong. Now, I know.”

In addition to interpreting the implications of Chinese culture, Mrs. Wang said DPA also conveyed a message to the audience that humans should have religious belief, because it is needed to rectify social morality.

What makes DPA even more rare and commendable is the fact that most of its performers grew up outside of mainland China, but did not forget their cultural origin. Mr. Wang said, “I noticed that the dancing artists are very young. Although they grew up overseas, yet they recognize their Chinese identity and don’t put Chinese culture behind them. Divine Performing Arts should be further promoted.”

Regarding the contrast between the strength and fortitude displayed by the male dancing performers and the tenderness and virtue exhibited by the female dancers, Mr. Wang nodded and said, “There has been confusion about the positioning of men and women. Divine Performing Arts demonstrates Chinese traditional culture and positions men and women so clearly. This is excellent.”

At a time when the financial tsunami undermines the trust between banks and enterprises, and the latter cannot receive the needed funding to sustain their continuous operation, the economic crisis becomes even more severe. As DPA promotes traditional Chinese cultural values, such as virtue, compassion, and righteousness, Mr. Wang considers that the show should be promoted. He stressed, “The compassion inside our heart is one way of cherishing virtue. If business owners have compassion and high morals and run their businesses well, there would not be distrust between banks and enterprises. The predicament of banks’ unwillingness to loan to enterprises can be avoided.”

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