Businessman: ‘It is so, so … incredible’

“Normally I’m here for business, but now we are on vacation here. But this [the DPA show] is more important than business.”
Businessman: ‘It is so, so … incredible’
Mr. van Mol speaking happily to the media in the intermission of Divine Performing Arts' seventh full-house at the Taipei International Convention Centre. Wu Bo-hua/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Mr. van Mol speaking happily to the media in the intermission of Divine Performing Arts' seventh full-house at the Taipei International Convention Centre. (Wu Bo-hua/The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. van Mol speaking happily to the media in the intermission of Divine Performing Arts' seventh full-house at the Taipei International Convention Centre. (Wu Bo-hua/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1829985"/></a>
Mr. van Mol speaking happily to the media in the intermission of Divine Performing Arts' seventh full-house at the Taipei International Convention Centre. (Wu Bo-hua/The Epoch Times)

TAIPEI, Taiwan—“Normally I’m here for business, but now we are on vacation here. But this is more important than business,” said Mr. van Mol when explaining how he had come to attend the Divine Performing Arts (DPA) show at the Taipei International Convention Center on Sunday March 1.

Ms. Sterren, Mr. van Mol’s wife, accompanied him to the performance.

“It is so, so … incredible. We don’t see this in Europe. We’re from the Netherlands, we have Les Miserables, but this is quite different. You see the dances, all these clothes, and the different colors—and don’t forget the producers of the video,” said Mr. Van Mol.

He was referring to the innovative animated backdrops which are custom-designed to coordinate with the storyline for each dance and interact with what’s taking place onstage.

“The projection and the performers in one scene—it’s so exciting. It’s unbelievable, it’s just very good.”

Mrs. Sterran described DPA as “very special.”

“I liked everything. The part with Udumbara’s bloom [The Udumbara’s Bloom], for me that was very special. ... Everything is very, very exciting.

“I have no favorite part. But the part with the child—that made me shed tears. It made me cry,” she said.

Mrs. Sterren was referring to Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution, the story of a Falun Gong practitioner who is persecuted for his belief in the traditional spiritual practice.

“It took my heart. Why? When you saw the little child crying over the body of her father. … It took me.”

With files from New Tang Dynasty Television.

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