DPA Orchestra ‘Really awesome,’ Says Manager

Divine Performing Arts opened in Minneapolis on a frigid Tuesday night, warming the hearts of Minnesotans.
DPA Orchestra ‘Really awesome,’ Says Manager
Ms. Plansford (left) Jeanmarie Lunsford
<a><img src="https://www.theepochtimes.com/assets/uploads/2015/09/MN_PLansford_crp.jpg" alt="Ms. Plansford (left) (Jeanmarie Lunsford)" title="Ms. Plansford (left) (Jeanmarie Lunsford)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1830758"/></a>
Ms. Plansford (left) (Jeanmarie Lunsford)

MINNEAPOLISDivine Performing Arts warmed the hearts of Minnesotans on a frigid Tuesday night, opening to an appreciative audience at Northrop Memorial Auditorium on the urban campus of the University of Minnesota.

“The orchestra, it’s really awesome!” said Mr. McCable, manager of a well-known mail-order company based in Minnesota. 

“Yes,” agreed his wife, a financial consultant. “The music really adds a lot of depth to it.”

The performance in Minnesota featured the Divine Performings Arts live orchestra. The Divine Performing Arts Orchestra brings together traditional Chinese and classical Western music, in a masterful fusion.

Mr. McCable, commenting on the dance Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution, said the show really made him think about what is going on in China today, and “how you don’t have freedom.”

This contemporary story tells the tale of a father who is persecuted for practicing Falun Gong. The wondrous scenes that ultimately unfold in this piece present a message of hope and bespeak of the longstanding Chinese belief that good people are ultimately rewarded, even if not in this lifetime.

Mr. McCable said, “It really hit home, it was really emotional!”

Ms. Plansford, a paralegal, was very enthusiastic about DPA,  “Loved the show! Loved the show!”

“The voices were absolutely phenomenal,” she enthused.

Ms. Plansford found learning about Chinese culture and Chinese heritage very interesting. She named the erhu performance by the virtuoso Qi Xiaochun as her favorite. The erhu is a two-stringed fiddle.

“I would absolutely love to see this show again!” said Ms. Plansford.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Divine Performing Arts.For more information, please see DivinePerformingArts.org