Design Recipes: 10 Tips for Starting Fresh

Design Recipes: 10 Tips for Starting Fresh
Sometimes you might want to refresh an area of your home to make it more organized, functional, or pleasant. (Handout/TNS)
Tribune News Service
By Cathy Hobbs From Tribune News Service

At one point you may decide to take the plunge, clear the slate and start fresh, or perhaps you just want to refresh certain areas of your home.

Regardless of your desire, certain rooms and key target areas may serve as a great place to start.

The springboard to success may lie in planning, deciding what stays and what goes, and creating a targeted and focused list of must-haves. Here are some tips to help set you on the proper course.

1. Purge. Begin by donating items you no longer need or want.

Closet organization is a great pre-move-in project. (Handout/TNS)
Closet organization is a great pre-move-in project. (Handout/TNS)

2. Make a list. The list should contain items you want to keep and those you want to swap out or replace for refreshed items.

3. Look for ways to repurpose items when possible, as opposed to trashing or tossing.

4. Consider ways to bring the outdoors in to bring a sense of freshness and renewal into a space.

A living space that allows the outdoors in. (Handout/TNS)
A living space that allows the outdoors in. (Handout/TNS)

5. Organize. For many, organization is the key to a successful home. Kitchens and bathrooms are great places to implement the ideal of sense of order and organization.

A well-organized kitchen enhances functionality. (Handout/TNS)
A well-organized kitchen enhances functionality. (Handout/TNS)

6. Make your home functional and purposeful. Rooms that are multipurpose or family-friendly can increase versatility and usage.

7. Set a budget.

8. Set goals and a timeline.

9. Craft a realistic action plan for implementation.

10. Follow up and follow through. Action items in the form of projects and items not implemented should stay on an active to-do list.

A bathroom is designed with tranquility in mind. (Handout/TNS)
A bathroom is designed with tranquility in mind. (Handout/TNS)
Cathy Hobbs, based in New York City, is an Emmy Award-winning television host and a nationally known interior design home staging expert and short-term rental/vacation home designer with offices in New York City and The Hudson Valley. Contact her at [email protected] or visit her website at Copyright 2023 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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