Dad Gives Newborn Son a Pep Talk Before Shots but Instantly Loses it When Son Starts Crying

Dad Gives Newborn Son a Pep Talk Before Shots but Instantly Loses it When Son Starts Crying
Antwon Lee telling his 2-year-old son to "stay strong" before quickly succumbing to his own emotions. (Facebook Video Screenshot | Debias King Lee)

This new dad giving his infant son a pep talk before his newborn vaccine shots is too adorable for words. And when the nurse administers the shots, he “cries out aloud” feeling his baby son’s pain.

Antwon Lee must have been extremely nervous, like any parent would be, about taking his 2-month-old son, Debias King, to the pediatrician for his newborn shots.

The Warrenton, Georgia, father held baby Debias on his lap and began pep-talking his son. The beautiful video showing the true spirit of fatherhood has garnered over 17 million views as of now.

Completely unaware that he was being filmed, Lee told his child: “You’re taking it like a champ! Stay strong. Look at me. You’re gonna be good.”

Lee continued talking to him, “I know you’re gonna cry, but it’s ok to cry.”

At the nurse’s command, Lee took Debias’s baby blanket off and gently laid him on the table.

Holding the newborn’s tiny hand, Lee said, “I got you,” as the nurse delivered the multiple vaccines.

The little Debias started wailing, but with each shot, Lee let out a cry in empathy with his baby boy.

“I felt his pain, but at the same time, it was all about love … I know he felt the love because his daddy was there,” Lee told ABC News.

In no time, it was all over. Lee took his son back into his arms and held him close to his chest—comforting the precious little soul.

Lee did not expect this video to receive such an overwhelming response. He told WJW that he was absolutely speechless to learn so many people love it.

Since then, he has received words of encouragement from many social media users.

“Man, I’ve seen your video just before I went for vaccinations with my 2,5 months old daughter and it helped me to soothe her. Thank you, good father,” one Facebook user wrote.

Another one wrote, “What a good daddy! It would be nice if all daddies were comforting to their baby like that.”

While one wrote, “What a beautiful sight to see a Father comforting his son at the doctors office. I love it! Keep up the good work Dad!!!!?”

Later on, Lee revealed that his own father, Anthony Lee, had passed away the same day the video was filmed. The sad part was that he passed away from complications caused by alcohol.

“I want fathers to be in their child’s life,” Lee said, according to a report by Scary Mommy.

“Every father should take care of their child and show up for things like doctor’s appointments.”

Lee shared that the priceless experience with his own son had made the moment even more cherishable.

He said, “I signed up for fatherhood. And I thank God that I did.”

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