County Police Chief: Shen Yun’s Dynamic Backdrops An Eye-Opener

After seeing the show, Zhu Zhenglun was delighted and said, “Every program is exquisite, with a very high standard.”
County Police Chief: Shen Yun’s Dynamic Backdrops An Eye-Opener
Pingtung County Police Chief Zhu Zhenglun and his wife attend Shen Yun Performing Arts' fifth show in Kaohsiung, on April 9, 2011. Chien Huimin/The Epoch Times
<a><img src="" alt="Pingtung County Police Chief Zhu Zhenglun and his wife attend Shen Yun Performing Arts' fifth show in Kaohsiung, on April 9, 2011. (Chien Huimin/The Epoch Times)" title="Pingtung County Police Chief Zhu Zhenglun and his wife attend Shen Yun Performing Arts' fifth show in Kaohsiung, on April 9, 2011. (Chien Huimin/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1805642"/></a>
Pingtung County Police Chief Zhu Zhenglun and his wife attend Shen Yun Performing Arts' fifth show in Kaohsiung, on April 9, 2011. (Chien Huimin/The Epoch Times)
KAOHSIUNG, Taiwan—Pingtung County Police Chief Zhu Zhenglun, accompanied by his wife, attended Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company’s fifth spectacular show in Kaohsiung at the Sun Yat-sen Hall of the National Sun Yat-sen University, on the afternoon of April 9. After seeing the show, Zhu Zhenglun was delighted and said, “Every program is exquisite, with a very high standard, and the creative design of the dynamic backdrops is indeed an eye-opener.”

Zhu Zhenglun praised Shen Yun for its dancers’ abundant agile body movements and facial expressions, its solo vocalists’ powerful and resonant voices, and the live orchestra that is composed of Chinese and Western musical instruments. “It was indeed a very high standard performance, and every program was so beautiful,” Mr. Zhu said.

“The backdrops were so overwhelming, and it was indeed an eye-opener for me,” he exclaimed. His wife who came all the way from Ilan County to Kaohsiung to see the show nodded her head in agreement and said, ”Every program was great and exciting.”

Shen Yun displays the essence of the 5,000-year-old Chinese culture. Mr. Zhu said, “The lyrics of the songs sung by the vocalists and the themes of the dances are very educational. If our children and the general public were able to see the performance with the spirit of Chinese culture, I believe it would be of much benefit to humanity and bring about peace within society.”

As a police chief whose duty is defending justice, Mr. Zhu was especially impressed with the content of the program Our Story, in which a beloved teacher is persecuted for remaining steadfast in her belief of the traditional spiritual discipline called Falun Dafa. The police chief said that in comparison to the situation in China, we in Taiwan are rather fortunate. He said, “The story made us feel that living in a democratic country, especially in Taiwan, we are really fortunate since we have a democratic society observing the rule of law. With democracy and the rule of law, people are able to enjoy more freedom, happiness and peace.”

Reporting by Chien Huimin.

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has three touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit