CBC’s ComedyCoup Contest Coming Down To the Wire

CBC’s ComedyCoup Contest Coming Down To the Wire
A poster by Welcome to Tulip, a comedy team competing in the CBC ComedyCoup contest. Welcome to Tulip

For the past seven weeks, CBC—in conjunction with CineCoup Media and Just for Laughs Television Programming—has been eliminating and advancing the most creative comedy talent across Canada in its online comedy contest ComedyCoup.

What’s the Carrot?

The comedy contest of the year!

Over the seven weeks, contestants have been willing to go through the shtick of a gruelling Survivor-type contest. The best comedy concept will receive $500,000 toward production of a half-hour comedy special which will air in the fall of 2015 on CBC prime-time TV.

That got a few comedy cats rolling! Nearly 300 entered, and now it’s down to the wire with five on the verge of being chosen.

What’s the Process?

First, contestants entered with a required team of three people, and submitted a 90-minute video teaser.

CBC touts that “fans have the power!” The drum-roll started, and fans have been rolling with the punches on the ComedyCoup webpage. They have been cracking up, commenting, and voting for their five favourites.

What’s the Purpose?

A few laughs for sure, plus opportunity. ComedyCoup is described as a “disruptive studio that accelerates comedy creators toward development and production opportunities.” 

Pretty cool, eh! Canadian content—in other words, home-grown Canuck comedy.

What’s the Platform?

The contestants have the opportunity to showcase their talent through a combo of videos, graphics, and their star lineup.

Using the ComedyCoup webpage and social media, these comedy creators have been warding off weekly eliminations while marketing their stuff to audiences, media pros, and the CBC execs who will ultimately decide the grand prize-winner.

Already, the top 15 have runner-up prizes of getting a foot in the door. They get to present an option agreement for review by media scouts. A number of them will be picked and optioned for development.

Some of the teams in the running are Bike Cops, Buddy Guys, Depflies, Heir Heads, and Welcome to Tulip.

The top five teams will be whisked off to Toronto for that last pressure cooker push. They will present their act at a live event in early December hosted by CBC’s ComedyCoup panel of judges. Then comes the big reveal, and the grand prize-winner! 

Whatever the outcome, the contest has been one big laugh-in.

Anne Pillsbury is a contributing correspondent with Epoch Times. (Full disclosure: Anne has family members competing in ComedyCoup).

Anne Pillsbury
Anne Pillsbury
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