Business Owner: ‘It’s a terrific exposure to the Chinese culture’

Mr. Florian and his wife were in the audience of Shen Yun performing Arts on Monday.
Business Owner: ‘It’s a terrific exposure to the Chinese culture’
Mr. and Mrs. Florian at the Monday night Shen Yun Performance Matthew Little/The Epoch Times
Ryan Moffatt
<a><img src="" alt="Mr. and Mrs. Florian at the Monday night Shen Yun Performance (Matthew Little/The Epoch Times)" title="Mr. and Mrs. Florian at the Monday night Shen Yun Performance (Matthew Little/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1828945"/></a>
Mr. and Mrs. Florian at the Monday night Shen Yun Performance (Matthew Little/The Epoch Times)
VANCOUVER, British Columbia—Mr. Florian and his wife were in the audience at the Monday night presentation of Shen Yun performing Arts at Vancouver’s Queen Elizabeth theatre.  

Mr. Florian, who owns three Toronto-based businesses specializing in education for overseas students, was impressed with the show and its representation of Chinese culture.

“It’s a terrific exposure to the Chinese culture. I think it is an amazing performance that shows the many different cultures that China is. There are many languages and cultures within China, and this comes out in the show, which I think is terrific. It’s interesting it’s all North American [Chinese] performers”

New York-based Shen Yun seeks to revive ancient Chinese traditions.

The state-of-the-art digital 3-D backdrop that accompanies each act lends a vibrant background to each performance and is a key element to the Shen Yun show, something Mr. Florian enjoyed.

“Very well done—it really captures it with the gods coming down,” he said, referring to the opening act entitled The Five Millennia Begin, which features China’s famous Yellow Emperor.

“It’s amazing, and here are the gods coming from the screen, and then they walk up. It’s spectacular they way they have done it. Very creative.”

The Shen Yun orchestra combines both Eastern and Western musical instruments to provide original music that accompanies each performance.

“The last performance with the erhu—it was amazing the sounds that came out of there,” said Mr Florian.

Shen Yun will present four more shows in Vancouver before going on to Calgary, Edmonton, and Regina.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit

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