Business Owner Appreciates Profound Nature of Shen Yun

Mar 25, 2018
Business Owner Appreciates Profound Nature of Shen Yun
John Kochel and his wife enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver, Canada, on March 24, 2018. (Sunny Chen/The Epoch Times)

“I do appreciate the reference to the Creator. I wasn’t so aware that that was part of the culture, so it’s great that the Creator is recognized, that a supreme being is recognized, that creation itself is recognized, that it’s recognized through the program here that we didn’t suddenly flare into existence—that there is a Creator.”

“The words of the song that the soloist sang were inspiring to me, something like we have kind of fallen down in our standards. There’s no question about that, that’s right, the standards of the world have fallen down, and I agree, as the lyrics of the song indicated, that the Creator is not happy with that. That’s not in line with the teachings, not in line with the commandments, not in line with what we need to be doing as children of God.”

“The message that there is a standard of performance, a way we should be living, that message is absolutely true. I’m keen to that, and I’m picking up on that, because it strikes with what I know to be true.”

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