Window Washers Dress up as Superheroes to Clean Windows of Children’s Hospital


The University of Missouri Children’s hospital gave young patients a pleasant surprise on May 26.

Superheroes could be seen suspended outside their windows—and washing them.

The window washers from Class Glass in Springfield, Missouri, dressed as Spider-Man, Superman, Batman and Captain America when they showed up for work.

Once the children saw superheroes washing their windows, it brightened up their day. 

“No matter what they were there for their faces lit up once they saw them through the windows,” Stephanie Baehman of MU Healthcare told ABC News today, “We had one little boy who got to go home yesterday morning, he was 5, but he said ‘Not before I meet those superheroes.’”

The superheroes not only washed windows for the children, but they also spent some time with the young patients—either in the playroom or in their rooms. 

They also signed autographs and took pictures with them before departing.

“They were thrilled, their faces just lit up. It was for the kids but you could see the relief on the parents’ faces when the kids were loving it.”

Baehman said that at first, they asked the fire department to take up the task, but they were quite reluctant. However, when they asked Class Glass, they immediately hopped on board. 

“We approached them with it and the window washers were just as excited and thrilled to do it,” Baehman said, “They ordered their own costumes from the internet.”

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