What Do Canadians Love About Canada?(Video)

Epoch Video

Happy Canada Day! Over the last 15 days, the Huffington Post Canada Travel drove across the great White North, speaking to Canadians to learn more about where they live. Along the way, Talia Ricci asked them what they loved about Canada. Here’s what they had to say.

“Why am I proud to be Canadian?”

“There is a lot about being Canadian.”

“I really like that we are much more peaceful country.”

“I love the diversity of the country and my freedom to travel around in that diversity.”

“I think Canada is the greatest country in the world.”

“I am so proud to be Canadian.”

“Nice people, friendly, gorgeous place.”

“I love the diversity, I love the country, I love the different people you can see.”

“I think we live in a very safe place and we live in a very unpopulated place.”

“I love all the values we have as Canadians. I love we do business.”

“What I love about being Canadian is that Newfoundland and Labrador is part of whole country and brings us all together.”

“I love how we take care of sick people the way we take care of kids and education.”

“A lot of people are just very willing to talk.”

“Having travel and having heard other people’s opinions about Canadians they tend to say that we are gentle people.”


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