VIDEO: Woman Discovers Genius Winter Hack to De-ice Frosty Windshield in Seconds—Here’s How

VIDEO: Woman Discovers Genius Winter Hack to De-ice Frosty Windshield in Seconds—Here’s How
(Background: Screenshot/Newsflare; Inset: Illustration)

A woman has shared a simple hack for de-icing a frosty windshield in just two minutes—using a plastic bag and warm water.

Amy Savage, 31, tried a unique method after she heard her colleagues discussing it at work.

In the video—which has racked up over 27 million views on social media—Ms. Savage takes a plastic bag full of lukewarm water and rubs it over her windscreen, removing the ice with ease.

Ms. Savage says it saves her time in the morning, and she’s good to go in less than two minutes.

She says it doesn’t leave any condensation on her car and saves her from having to leave the car on to heat it up.

(Illustration - Dmytro Tyshchenko/Shutterstock)
(Illustration - Dmytro Tyshchenko/Shutterstock)

Ms. Savage has ditched the de-icing fluid and now opts for her new time-saving method on frosty mornings.

“It worked like a treat,” said Ms. Savage, an assistant manager of a make-up store, from Belfast, Northern Ireland.

“I was discussing it with my colleagues after we'd seen it online, and I only passed my test a year ago, so I’ve been looking for all the top tips myself.”

She gave it a go and thought she would film it and put it online—eight hours later, her phone was “exploding with notifications.”

(Illustration - ilmarinfoto/Shutterstock)
(Illustration - ilmarinfoto/Shutterstock)

“People were saying it immediately refreezes, but I think they were commenting from much colder U.S. states,” she said. “I was good to go in two minutes without the need to throw a full kettle over the car.

“Make sure you use warm water and not boiling water as it can break the window.”

It saves her an extra five minutes in the morning because she doesn’t have to start the car to heat it up, she said. She can get her lipstick on or enjoy a few extra minutes in bed.

In a video posted on social media, Ms. Savage demonstrates her technique of defrosting her windshield using a plastic bag filled with warm water. (Video credit: Newsflare)

Ms. Savage’s hack seems to be working for others, too, as she said her colleagues have given it a go, and local garages are even recommending the tip.

“Everyone’s counting pennies at the moment, so any little tips and tricks can help,” she said. “My colleagues have started doing it and have been able to get to work a bit quicker as well.

“Even someone working at a local garage had recommended this hack that he'd seen to a lady there.

“I’ve been doing it for the last week now. It’s really sorted me out.”

Windshield experts online have offered a few extra tips:

You can concoct a homemade defrosting spray by combining 1/3 cup of water with 2/3 cup of rubbing alcohol, which freezes at -198 degrees Fahrenheit.

A preventative mixture of 2 parts white vinegar and 1 part water can be sprayed on your windshield before temperatures drop in the evening, which will stop frost from forming.

Epoch Times staff contributed to this content.
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