Thirty From Hong Kong Travel to Taiwan for Shen Yun Performing Arts

A group of 30 friends from Hong Kong arrived in Taichung specifically to watch Shen Yun Performing Arts.
Thirty From Hong Kong Travel to Taiwan for Shen Yun Performing Arts
A group of thirty people from Hong Kong arrived in Taichung to watch New York's Shen Yun Performing Arts. (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)
<a><img src="" alt="A group of thirty people from Hong Kong arrived in Taichung to watch New York's Shen Yun Performing Arts. (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)" title="A group of thirty people from Hong Kong arrived in Taichung to watch New York's Shen Yun Performing Arts. (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1829725"/></a>
A group of thirty people from Hong Kong arrived in Taichung to watch New York's Shen Yun Performing Arts. (Tang Bin/The Epoch Times)
TAICHUNG, Taiwan—There is a new trend among Hong Kong travelers to Taiwan this spring: In addition to typical sightseeing, they are coming to watch New York’s Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour show.

A group of 30 friends from Hong Kong arrived in Taichung specifically to watch the Shen Yun shows at Hui-Sun Auditorium on March 7. Three weeks ago, they asked their Taiwanese friends to book tickets for them after seeing Shen Yun reports in The Epoch Times Hong Kong edition.

But the Shen Yun shows in Taipei were sold out, so they had to buy tickets in Taichung. As they were staying for the whole weekend, they decided to make the most of the two days and bought tickets to two shows, for both Saturday and Sunday.

After watching the show, Mr. Gu said, “Very good, very, very good. The performers were extremely good. This was the best show I’ve seen in my lifetime. If this show were staged in Hong Kong or mainland China, everyone would try to watch it, because it is a show for the Chinese people. I hope the show can eventually go to Hong Kong. Hong Kong has a population of seven million, plus people from mainland China, everyone would rush to see it.”

He was astounded by the full house of more than 4,000 people.

Another in the group, Mr. He said, “Overall Shen Yun delivered a righteous feeling. It was sharing the authentic divinely-imparted culture. I was absolutely touched.”

He mentioned that the dedicated spirit of the dancers was meticulous. Every movement was “flawless.” “Only Shen Yun can do it so perfectly. It was compassionate and beautiful, and combined men with heavenly beings.”

He particularly enjoyed the music. “Maybe a word to describe my feeling is ‘astounded’ because every ... note, sounded the melodies of gods.”

Mr. Ling said that he has wanted to attend Shen Yun for years and finally got the chance. “I have never seen such a wonderful performance,” he said. He emigrated from mainland China to Hong Kong in 1979. Thinking back, he said that the shows in mainland China after communist conquest have been violent and bloody—exactly the opposite of Shen Yun.

“Upon watching Shen Yun, my heart feels rather tranquil. Probably because I saw the authentic culture of the divine, I am very stirred.” He said that every program was good, and he could not describe the show with just a few sentences. However, he was exceptionally impressed with the program, Heaven Awaits Us Despite Persecution, while Monk Ji Gong Abducts the Bride taught people that gods are protecting the Chinese. “So people should believe in divine beings.”

Another group member told the reporter, “As Shen Yun is now traveling around the world, the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] is trying to stage many shows in Hong Kong. However, we chose to see DPA, and we are happy we made that decision.”

Another group arrived in Taiwan from Malaysia, bringing about a dozen. A pair of siblings were among them.

The elder sister said, “I heard that Shen Yun was very good, so I had a wish to come and watch Shen Yun. Upon seeing it, I wanted my brother to see it too, so I brought him this time. It was really good. Well, my tears fell. Every program touched me deeply. I am so moved and so glad.”

As she was talking, her younger brother interrupted, “This is a predestined relationship. A week ago, while climbing a mountain in Taiwan, someone gave me a Shen Yun flyer. I didn’t expect that my second oldest sister would come to Taiwan from Malaysia to take me to see the Shen Yun. The entire performance was very awesome. The overall impression, dance, and every aspect of the show were very astounding.”

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit
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