They Look Like Ordinary Dogs, but Wait Until They Stand Up...

They Look Like Ordinary Dogs, but Wait Until They Stand Up...
Epoch Newsroom

When you see them lying down, they look like regular dogs.

But when they stand up? That’s when you can tell they’re much different from most canines. Especially when they’re posing next to children.

Ralphie and Boss joined the Fisher family several years back, and have become vital members of the clan.



The Newfoundlands love being in California with the brood.

Newfoundlands can grow to weigh more than 126 pounds and measure six feet from nose to tail. 

“We didn’t realize how big they were in person until we went to get Ralphie from the breeders. When we first saw the older dogs, we were shocked and we were laughing,” Bee told the Daily Mail.



“Ralphie was this fluffy teddy bear and now he’s grown he’s not as giant as some can be-- so Joshua wanted another and somehow convinced me,” she added, referring to her husband. 

The kids love the “gentle giants.”



The kids are fascinated by their size. The oldest, Lenox, likes to relax with them and lie on them,” Bee said.

“Three-year-old Cruz wants to play with them--they let him poke and prod. And Tegan, he’s only eight-months and he’s not quite crawling yet but will be exploring with them soon.”

There’s very few downsides to having the dogs as babysitters of sorts, but there is one big one, Joshua said: “Everyone wants a photo or to pet them and we have crowds of people--you can’t do anything when you’re in a rush.”