Soft Skills in the Workplace

Soft Skills in the Workplace
It becomes necessary in any job to get along with all types of people. (Shutterstock)
Anne Johnson

There are skills that you need to be effective and advance a career. Some of these skills can be developed through schooling and consistent practice. Strong computer and technological skills are high on the list of success. But other more subtle skills advance a career.

Soft skills are essential to surviving and thriving in the workplace. They can have a positive influence on developing a successful career. But what are these skills, and how do you develop them?

Soft Skills Help With Interaction

Soft skills are often referred to as emotional intelligence. It is the ability to interact with people amicably. They help you solve problems and resolve problems. They also lead you to provide excellent customer service.
You can develop stronger relationships with colleagues, clients, and other professional contacts with soft skills.

Soft Skills vs. Hard Skills

Hard skills are developed through formal education and training programs. They take concentrated effort. Employers can measure hard skills that are needed to perform a job successfully.

These skills are listed on a resume and tested by potential employers before hiring. Some examples of hard skills include web development, IT, and welding.

These skills can quickly be learned, practiced, and perfected. Soft skills are more challenging to learn.

For example, a teacher may know the material to teach, but understanding the students’ needs, active listening, and having a good manner may be more difficult.

Why Soft Skills Are Important

Soft skills support your workplace relationships. They also determine success with business partners and clients.

Maintaining solid relationships in your organization can help further your career. When management knows you can work with others successfully, you are more likely to be promoted or given a raise.

There’s a difference between being qualified for a job and those who can exceed expectations by putting effort into professional relationships.

Those in customer service find soft skills invaluable to succeed.

Soft skills are important to help grow a network of professionals. Because people with soft skills are curious, their soft skills allow them to quickly develop industry knowledge and professional leads.

Developing leadership skills is also the result of soft skills. By focusing on soft skills it shows management you’re thinking how your habits impact others. With soft skills, you listen and learn. You also communicate clearly.

People with soft skills work positively and motivate others to do so. This leads employees and colleagues to a successful outcome. You become a role model when using soft skills. By using soft skills, you’re training to become an effective leader.

People with soft skills navigate the workplace with confidence and this influences others. It also makes you an advocate for yourself to management by allowing clear communication of ideas or suggestions.

This is especially true during a job interview, as your confidence will shine through.

Types of Soft Skills

There are many types of soft skills. Some include the ability to negotiate and problem-solve. The ability to work well under pressure and effectively resolve conflict are also soft skills.
Those with mindfulness are more emotionally intelligent, adaptable, and forthright. Other soft skills include teamwork, strong organization, networking, and good customer service.

Signs That Improved Soft Skills Are Needed

There isn’t an “all or nothing” when it comes to soft skills. Most people have some soft skills but struggle with others.

Some people think they have excellent soft skills but lack important ones. They fall short, but don’t see why. Evaluate workplace performance and take a hard look at how you succeed or fail in different scenarios.

If you have a low client retention rate compared to others, you might be lacking in soft skills. Struggling to meet deadlines or being late for meetings is also a sign you need to improve.

The lack of a professional network despite attempts is an indicator. Conversely, not networking or missing opportunities shows that your soft skills need improving.

Can Soft Skills Be Learned?

It’s easier to teach a technical skill than a soft skill. Technical skills are clear and tangible, whereas soft skills are intangible.

But teaching someone to be a better team player, more innovative, or patient can be accomplished.

An individual must, however, be willing to be open to feedback and willing to change behaviors. Training, tips, and strategies can help in developing better soft skills.

Some training techniques include:
  • online learning
  • coaching/mentoring
  • interactive workshops
  • virtual reality (simulating real-life scenarios)
Teaching to actively listen or empathize with others is the first step. Practicing, just as you would with a hard skill, is imperative to honing soft skills.

Soft Skills Needed to Succeed

Hard skills and soft skills are the complete package to advancing a career. Workers with both sets of skills find it easier to find jobs they want.

Be aware of your soft skills and work to improve them.

The Epoch Times copyright © 2023. The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors. They are meant for general informational purposes only and should not be construed or interpreted as a recommendation or solicitation. The Epoch Times does not provide investment, tax, legal, financial planning, estate planning, or any other personal finance advice. The Epoch Times holds no liability for the accuracy or timeliness of the information provided.
Anne Johnson was a commercial property & casualty insurance agent for nine years. She was also licensed in health and life insurance. Anne went on to own an advertising agency where she worked with businesses. She has been writing about personal finance for ten years.
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