Smart Mom Comes Up With a Genius Hack to Keep Newborn Asleep While She Drinks Coffee

Smart Mom Comes Up With a Genius Hack to Keep Newborn Asleep While She Drinks Coffee
(Illustration - Shutterstock)

Being a new mom is tougher than you can imagine. Especially when the newborn demands your attention constantly that you hardly find time to take a break. But one clever mom came up with a smart trick that would keep her baby sleeping soundly while she managed to sneak away.

Melissa Dykstra, from the Gold Coast in Australia, shared her simple yet genius hack on a Facebook group, Baby Hints and Tips, and it quickly went viral. She was going through that phase where her one-month-old baby, Olivia wouldn’t simply let go of her.
She told “She’s going through her first ‘leap’ (in her mental development) so she’s been extra clingy the last few days and makes it so hard to even go to the bathroom so I thought I’d try it and I was surprised at how well it worked.”

Dykstra used a blown up rubber glove and place it on her baby’s tummy.

That would make baby Olivia feel that her mama was still beside her. As the little angel slept peacefully, her mom could finally take some time out for herself.

She snapped a picture of her baby sleeping peacefully with the glove and wrote on Facebook: “Going on 20 minutes now and she hasn’t realized. She will crack it when she wakes up but for now I get to finish my coffee!! #babyhack”

Dykstra not only found enough time for a shower but also to finish her coffee while it was still hot. All moms who could relate to it have been quick to share their views as the post has garnered over 10,000 comments.

Surprisingly, Olivia didn’t cry when she woke up and realized that it wasn’t her mother’s hand.

“I did sit with her and she wasn’t upset when she woke up, just looked a little confused,” Dykstra revealed.

What propelled her to come up with the genius hack was actually a moment of desperation.

However, it turned out to be an immediate hit with other new mothers out there, as some of them even wondered as to why they hadn’t come up with such ideas before.

One mother commented, “Great idea. why didn’t I think of that 19 years ago.”

While another said, “if I had seen this 20 minutes ago I might not be stuck on the couch with a baby on top of me.”

Some other mothers also shared their own ways of handling a child on the post.

One user said, “not gonna lie when I worked in childcare I was known to leave a shoe on a kid so they would think I was still there.”

“I used to put a wheat bag heat pack (unheated)on baby to give him the sensation I was still holding his tummy haha,” another shared.

Dykstra’s idea proves that self-care doesn’t have to fly out of the window as soon as you become a mother.

New age moms are so full of ideas and the fact that they are open to sharing whatever works for them is really commendable.

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