They Touched My Heart

“Anyone should be willing to listen ... that way the world will be a better place for us all.”
They Touched My Heart

BIRMINGHAM, Ala—The Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex (BJCC) Concert Hall was host to Shen Yun Performing Arts’ performance on Saturday, Aug. 22.

Among the enthusiastic and amazed audience were Mr. Shi, who works for a medical organization, and his wife Ms. Zhang, both from  China.

“I am deeply impressed. The program gives me a fresh feel.  It’s apparent that dancers are top notch. They must have trained hard ... They interpreted the dances really well,” Mr. Shi said.

“Originally, we only wanted to come support the show because it is a Chinese cultural performance. However, after watching the performance, I felt I was part of the show. I truly felt that they presented China’s 5,000 years of culture particularly well; the ancient Chinese mythologies and the Tang Monk’s restoring the old scriptures were presented very well.”

Ms. Zhang was as amazed as her husband. She said, “This is truly a divine performance; an out of this world experience. The show revived thousands of years of Chinese culture and history. I enjoyed dancing when I was young. I can tell that the dancers are very accomplished. They touched my heart.”

Mr. Shi said that Shen Yun Performing Arts’ artists did an exceptional job in presenting Chinese culture through music and dance. “It’s very professional,” he said proudly, for he was born into the country that has this cultural heritage.

Ms. Zhang invited her boss and his wife to see the show. She promised that they would tell more people, both Chinese and Westerners, about the show.

“Everyone on earth should watch it,” Mr. Shi added. “Although we haven’t seen the second half, it already captured my heart completely.”

“Magnificent show,” Mr. Shi said.

Mr. Shi heard about Shen Yun in a department store and said that he was captivated by what he saw on a DVD.

He was deeply touched by the scenes that depicted the more recent history and which brought to light the hidden part of China not many are willing to talk about.

“We are scientists. Whether in China or abroad, we are not that involved in politics. However, I have to say that we were moved to tears [while watching the dances about Falun Gong]. I think many people will be moved,” Mr. Shi said emotionally.

Ms. Zhang added, “It was really touching. I saw tears coming down [Mr. Shi’s] face.”

“We don’t know much about Falun Dafa. This show is an opportunity for us to learn more about it. Americans may not know about the [persecution] facts or what is really going on in China. This show delivers a clear message, to the government and individual citizens about truthfulness, benevolence, and forbearance. Anyone should be willing to listen and accept this message, and that way the world will be a better place for us all.”

  For more information please visit

Read original Chinese article.

A six-run show will be held at Washington D.C.’s Kennedy Center Opera House from August 26 to 30.  
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of the Shen Yun Performing Arts 2009 World Tour. For more information please visit


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