National Palace Museum Former Curator: The Overwhelming Performance Has Contagious Power of Art

The last show in Taipei wrapped up with raucous applause and a standing ovation by the entire audience.
National Palace Museum Former Curator: The Overwhelming Performance Has Contagious Power of Art
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 (The Epoch Times)
TAIPEI, Taiwan—Amazed by the Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company’s tenth show in Taipei on March 25, 2010, Ms. Lin Mun-lee, former director of the National Palace Museum and incumbent professor of the Taipei University of Education,  said in great delight, “The performance of the principal dancer in the program Astounding Conviction was overwhelming, and the power of arts conveyed by the program could touch people’s hearts.”

The last show in Taipei wrapped up with raucous applause and a standing ovation by the entire audience, and director Lin was no exception. When walking out of the hall, she said with a smile, “The second half of show was even more interesting. Many innovative practices were really amazing.”

When talking about the innovative practices she noticed, she said that the mission of Shen Yun is to restore the precious traditional Chinese culture, and that from the show she sensed the momentum that transcended time and space as well as resonated with the audience.

As to the momentum resulting from the innovative design of the stage, she commented, “Dance is a kind of abstract body movements, but the backdrops are something quite realistic. The application of high-tech animation connects space and time, which is an innovative approach to create a mechanism for the connection of space and time. This kind of performance is very interesting and innovative.

“As the music was arranged according to the dances, the overall performance on music and the breakthrough in combining (Western music instruments and Chinese instrument in the orchestra) were very impressive.”

As the dancers’ dedication is an important element that could touch the audience, she said she thought the most impressive program was Astounding Conviction, “The dancers had an extremely powerful performance,” she added.

The dance Astounding Conviction tells the story of a Falun Gong practitioner who is steadfast in his belief regardless of the cruel persecution, and his astounding conviction inspires divine beings to come to his aid. The dance was primarily performed by Mr. Timothy Wu, who demonstrated Falun Gong practitioners’ strong conviction and noble temperament with his exquisite dancing techniques.

Referring to the contagious power of art in Mr. Wu’s performance, curator Ms. Lin commented, “It was because it touched himself first that it could touch others … . His emotional involvement triggered energy and contagious power. This is the so-called contagious power of art.”

Ms. Lee also commented on some programs performed in the second half of the show, such as Splitting the Mountain. She said that illustrating traditional Chinese legendary stories with dances was also something that made her feel the momentum of innovation.

Professor Lee is a famous art scholar in Taiwan. She earned her PhD degree from the University of Tokyo and was a former head of the Department of Art Education at the National Taipei Teachers College, former curator of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, president of the National Culture and Arts Foundation, and former deputy director and director of the National Palace Museum. She is currently a professor at the National Taipei University of Education.

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